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In Touch With LifeSavers
features in-depth accounts of babies who have been saved
and women who have been helped by LifeSavers Ministries, along with
news about upcoming LifeSavers events and other ministry news.
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Weekly Ministry Focus
Volume 1, Number 48 December 4,
Weekly Ministry
"Pro-life" girl convinced not to abort her baby
At least two babies were saved last week in Bakersfield through the
ministry of "pregnancy evangelists" on the sidewalks outside the Family
Planning Associates abortion chamber. Abortionist Kenneth
Wright committed abortions on Monday and Tuesday.
Here are a few selected reports from last week's
ministry activities:
"Leticia," 17, and her boyfriend "Fernando," 24, came to the abortion chamber last Tuesday from the small town
where they live. Even though she said she is pro-life and attends a
Catholic church, Leticia intended to abort the baby. The abortion chamber
told her to come back this week.
Leticia spoke only Spanish, so Irene* talked
to her on the sidewalk, convincing her to come across the street to the
LifeHouse pregnancy help center for a second pregnancy test, and to see a
video about abortion.
Leticia said that she needs an abortion because
her brothers and parents will be very angry with her for being pregnant.
After Irene talked and prayed with her for over an hour, Leticia changed her
Irene gave her a "Hope for the Future" Bible, a baby gift, a rosary, and
a model of a 12-week baby.
A couple in their early twenties entered the abortion chamber on Monday.
After the woman was inside, the man came back to his car. As the man
started to drive away, Debbie* and Chuck (an independent volunteer) talked
to him. He explained that he had been in jail, and that the reason they
didn't want a baby was that he needed to "get his life together."
Debbie and Chuck tried to convince him to go back inside and bring her out, and
to their surprise, he did.
Debbie and Chuck talked to them for a while, and then the man said "we're
going to go get something to eat and talk things over," and they drove
"Valerie," 17, was raped by a friend's boyfriend. Although she had not taken
a pregnancy test, she was sure that she was pregnant.
Intending to enter the abortion chamber, she accidentally
walked in to the LifeHouse. Terri gave her a pregnancy test, and while they
waited for the results, Terri showed her a video about abortion.
Valerie said "I can't have an abortion after seeing that." However, her
test results were negative. She told Terri she would check back in a week.
Scripture Focus
: Galatians 6:1-5
Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual
restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you
also be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of
Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing,
he deceives himeself. But let each one examine his own work, and then he
will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each
one shall bear his own load.
Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him
who teaches.
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he
will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap
corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap
everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due
season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have
opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the
household of faith.
Pray that God will enable LifeSavers team members and other
sidewalk volunteers to apply this scripture appropriately in their
relationships with each other.
Pray that God will help "Leticia" (see report above) and her family to
grow closer to each other and to God through Leticia's pregnancy.
Ask God to grant wisdom to the board of LifeSavers Ministries, as they
consider what to do about the increasing cost of leasing the LifeHouse
and the inadequate level of incoming donations.
Pray that God will reveal a plan which allows the LifeHouse to continue
without being financially irresponsible.
- Pray that the fundraiser on Thursday will be successful,
both spiritually and financially, and that God will guide the preparations
in every detail.
Abortionist's baby born alive
Joy Schepis thanks God for protecting baby Michael
A 7-pound, 6-ounce baby named Michael was born last Tuesday in White Plains,
New York, after surviving an attempt by his abortionist-father to kill him
(see Weekly Ministry Focus #16).
Joy Schepis said she named her baby Michael "for the saint who fought off
Satan." Michael has been given a clean bill of health by doctors.
"He seems fine. I don't know what long-term medical affects he'll have.
Right now, he's perfect," his mother said beaming as she looked down at
Michael sleeping.
"I'd like to thank [everyone] for their prayers. We're OK.... It
was a long haul, but he pulled through."
The baby's father, abortionist Stephen Pack, has pleaded not guilty by reason of mental
disease or defect. He is scheduled to return to court next week.
[Editor's note: Anybody seen this mentioned on the news? I didn't
think so. Even the New York post article "forgets" to mention that the
perpetrator of this act is a professional abortionist. But our nation's
biased media is quick to gloss over the many ways in which our society's
abortionist's have proven their "mental defects."]
- New York Post, December 1, 2000
Join us for the Fifth Annual
LifeSavers Ministries
Mexican Dinner
and Auction
This coming Thursday
Calvary Bible Church
4850 Manor Street, Bakersfield
Adults $15*
Children (6-12) $7*
Children under 6 Free
Families $50*
For more information, call (661) 323-2229
or go to:
LifeSavers Ministries
Monthly meeting
at the LifeHouse tonight at 6:30
This week's schedule
If you are unable to be physically involved in this ministry, please use this schedule to help you pray for those who are on the front lines.
Monday, Dec. 4
Colleen | 8 - 10:30
Debbie* | 9 - 12
Terri* | 10:30 - 6
Chuck | 11:30 - 3
Irene* | 10 - 2
St. Joseph's | 1:30 - 2
Tuesday, Dec. 5
Lewis | 7:30 - 9:30
Vince | 7:30 - 9
Terri* | 10:30 - 4
Chuck | 11:30 - 3
Fr. James | 10 - 12
Irene* | 10 - 2
Mary Ann | 11 - 3
Monday, Dec. 11
Colleen | 8 - 10:30
Debbie* | 9 - 12
Irene* | 10 - 2
Terri* | 10:30 - 4
Chuck | 11:30 - 3
St. Joseph's | 1:30 - 2
We need help | 8 - 10:30
Tuesday, Dec. 12
Lewis | 7:30 - 9:30
Terri* | 10:30 - 4
Chuck | 11:30 - 3
Fr. James | 10 - 12
Irene* | 10 - 2
Mary Ann | 11 - 3
We need help | 6:45 - 10:30
*LSM team members (others are independent volunteers)
The LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus is
published every Monday by Tim and Terri Palmquist,
PMB 1911-166, Tehachapi CA 93581
(http://Palmquists.glorifyJesus.com). All expenses of this
publication are paid for by the Palmquists; no funds from
LifeSavers Ministries are used in any way to publish or
distribute the Weekly Ministry Focus. Issues are available
without charge at the LifeHouse on Mondays and
Tuesdays. To subscribe to the Weekly Ministry Focus by
mail, we request a suggested donation of $30 per year to
cover postage and handling. To subscribe by e-mail, just
send a message with the subject "Subscribe" to
"LifeSavers@glorifyJesus.com" (we request a suggested
donation of $10 per year). All donations are optional.
LifeSavers Ministries P.O. Box 40972 Bakersfield CA 93384
The LifeHouse 2428 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301
FrontLine Ministry Focus
Volume 7 (2007)
("Weekly" Ministry Focus)
Volume 6 (2006)
Volume 5 (2005)
Volume 4 (2004)
Volume 3 (2003)
Volume 2 (2001)
Volume 1 (2000)