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Over 40 years of ministry to

pregnant women and their children

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June 2004

Emma and Ricky, saved from abortion

Family problems caused Emma to schedule an abortion when she was pregnant with Ricky, but living at the LSM's LifeHouse pregnancy help center helped Emma to survive months of family turmoil so that she could give birth to her healthy, happy son Ricky.

Janel and Jaiel, saved from abortion

Janel grew up near the abortion chamber, and first encountered LSM when she was just a child. Years later God used LSM to help save her child's life. Janel and Jaiel shared some of their story at Labor of Love banquet; more will be shared in our upcoming video/DVD.

Laura and Minna, saved from abortion

Laura thought her baby was dead, but with the help of LifeSavers, Minna is alive today.

Jessica and Matthew

Jessica's oldest son was removed from her home by Child Protective Services, so when she discovered that she was pregnant again, she went to the abortion chamber, not wanting to bear the pain of surrendering another child to CPS. Jessica's third son, Andrew, was hospitalized for many weeks, but God displayed his glory by healing him.

Zhou and Mary, saved from forced abortion in China

Zhou was saved from a future of forced abortion in China. LSM's Voice for Life ministry helped her for years when she was incarcerated by the INS. During this time, it seemed that physical injuries from her Chinese abortion experience might have prevented her from ever bearing children. God has now blessed Zhou and her husband with two daughters!

Watch Watch our short video on Zhou and Mary

Jackie and Jordan, saved from abortion

Jordan's testimony and song were highlights of the Labor of Love banquet.

Listen Listen to a portion of Jordan's rendition of the Ray Boltz song "Thank You" and read the special lyrics adapted by Tim and Terri Palmquist.

Watch Watch our "Jackie and Jordan" video.


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