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In Touch With LifeSavers features in-depth accounts of babies who have been saved and women who have been helped by LifeSavers Ministries, along with news about upcoming LifeSavers events and other ministry news. In Touch With LifeSavers is published occasionally, when funds allow.
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Weekly Ministry Focus

Volume 1, Number 16 April 24, 2000
Weekly Ministry Focus
Abortion chamber sends woman to LifeHouse

Here are a few selected reports from last week's ministry activities:

"Salome," 22, came to the FPA abortion chamber for a pregnancy test. The receptionist told her, "we don't offer a free pregnancy test; if you want a free test you'll have to go across the street," so she came to the LifeHouse. Her test results were negative.

"Paula," 17, came to FPA Tuesday for an abortion, but the abortion chamber staff told her that she needed to bring them her insurance card. Paula had to call her grandmother and ask her to bring the insurance card. Terri brought Paula to the LifeHouse and showed her the "Harder Truth" video, but she still wanted to abort her baby. Paula told Terri that one of the reasons she wanted to abort was that her boyfriend just told her that he is gay. When her grandmother came and found out that Paula needed the card for an abortion, the grandmother became angry, throwing her cards on the ground and storming out of the LifeHouse. She was upset because her husband died just last month (around the same time this baby was probably conceived). Paula stayed and talked to Terri for a while, apparently not realizing that the card she needed for the abortion was there in the LifeHouse. (Terri, of course, didn't tell her the cards were there, hoping that this would create an opportunity to save the child's life.) After Paula went home, she called Terri and asked if she had her grandmother's cards. When
Terri said "yes," Paula asked Terri to bring the cards to her (by this time the abortion chamber had already closed for the day, so the baby's life had been spared, at least for the day). Terri
brought the cards to Paula (along with a baby gift), and spoke to her outside her home for several minutes. Paula explained that her mom wanted her to be able to finish her education. (Her mom is already caring for Paula's one-year-old child, and Paula's sister's child.) Terri
offered Paula a place to live, and told her about His Nesting Place, where Paula could stay while he finished her education. Paula agreed with Terri that she would let her baby live. However, a few minutes later, Paula's mom came out and spoke to Terri, insisting that Paula must abort the baby. She said that Dr. Fox
had told her it was medically necessary. (Fox is a local doctor who is notorious for injuring his patients and committing abortions). Paula's mom
herself had aborted a baby years ago (again, she insisted it was medically necessary), which seemed to contribute to her desire for Paula to abort her baby.
Terri spoke to Paula again on Saturday. She
sounded very confused about the situation.  Her mother has made an abortion appointment, but she won't tell Paula when it is (probably Tuesday). Terri told Paula that her mother cannot force her to abort her baby against her will, and Terri prayed with her. Paula and her family believe in Jesus and attend a local church with a prominent community ministry.

"Arlinda," 25, had scheduled an abortion for Tuesday, but as she was entering the abortion chamber, she spoke to a man who attends the same Catholic church she attends (this was his first time on the sidewalks). He sent her over to the LifeHouse. At the LifeHouse,
she told Terri she had an abortion in Los Angeles in the past (at 20 weeks), and she is not sure if this is her boyfriend's baby.  Terri gave her literature and a baby gift, and encouraged her to go to a local obstetrician. Arlinda told Terri that she will give birth to the baby.

"Niobe," 21, came to the LifeHouse with her boyfriend for a pregnancy test.  She is a Christian, but doesn't attend church.  They have been together for six years, and have a four year old and a one and a half year old.  Terri showed them the "Harder Truth" abortion video, and they said they didn't want that to happen to their baby.  The results of her test were negative, so Terri gave them information on abstinence and encouraged them to get married.

Scripture Focus
Psalm 119:137-144
Righteous are you, O Lord,
     and your laws are right.
The statutes you have laid down are righteous;
     they are fully trustworthy.
My zeal wears me out,
     for my enemies ignore your words.
Your promises have been thoroughly tested,
     and your servant loves them.
Though I am lowly and despised,
     I do not forget your precepts.
Your righteousness is everlasting
     and your law is true.
Trouble and distress have come upon me,
     but your commands are my delight.
Your statutes are forever right;
     give me understanding that I may live.

When you are tempted to engage in idle conversation today, meditate on this scripture.

Prayer Focus
  •   Ask God to give the sidewalk counselors zeal, so that they will speak with the Holy Spirit's power in each situation they encounter.
  •   Pray for those who drive by today, asking God to soften their hearts so that they will understand the reality of the abortion holocaust.
  •   Pray for "Paula" (see report above) and her mother.  Ask God to intervene and prevent Paula's mother from carrying out her abortion plans.
  •   Pray for the US Supreme Court justices, who will hear arguments Tuesday regarding a Nebraska law which bans partial-birth abortion.  Ask God to help them focus on the babies who are victims of abortions, not just on the technicalities of a particular killing procedure.
  •   Ask God to guide next week's LSM elections and to provide effective leadership for the coming year.

Abortion chamber in Denton, Texas to close its doors next week

     Denton Health Services for Women in Denton, Texas (about 40 miles northwest of Dallas) will close its doors on May 1.  "What a victory for the people who have been faithful to be instruments of the Lord to defend the children, offer help to moms and admonish sinners," exclaimed pro-lifer Sue Cyr of Denton.  "I called the mill today and they are no longer doing abortions, just cleaning up and closing shop!!"

     Mary Smith, the abortionist at Denton Health Services, will reportedly continue committing abortions in Dallas. "Please continue to pray for her conversion," Cyr requested.

      "For now, join us in praising the Lord for freeing our city of the shedding of innocent blood."

      Denton is the home of Life Dynamics, Inc., the pro-life organization which has become best known in recent days for exposing companies which profit from obtaining body parts from aborted babies.

 [Thanks to Mark Gabriel for sending this report.]

New York abortionist arrested in forced abortion attack

     Abortionist Stephen Pack of Chappaqua, New York, was arrested April 14 after attacking Joy Schepis, his pregnant girlfriend, with an abortion drug.  Pack reportedly shouted "I'm giving you an abortion" as he forced Schepis to the ground, stabbing her six times with a syringe containing methotrexate, a drug used to induce labor.

     After the attack, Schepis told reporters "I'm in shock. I'm scared.  I'm terrified.  This is the worst time in my life." When asked how New Yorkers could help her, she replied, "Pray for me and pray for the baby I'm carrying."  She said that she "absolutely" plans to keep the baby, but added "it's not up to me.  It's up to God what happens to my child now." The preborn child is reportedly about two months old.

     Methotrexate can cause birth defects by robbing the babies of folic acid.

     Pack is married and has two children.

- Pro-Life Infonet #2147 and #2148]

12/3/00: UPDATE - baby born healthy! See Weekly Ministry Focus #48.

This week's schedule
[If you are unable to be physically involved in
this ministry, please use this schedule to help
you pray for those who are on the front lines.]

Monday, Apr. 24
Colleen                 8 -   10:30
Jose           8 -  10
Susan       8:30 -  10:30
Rosa??         10 - 12
Irene         10 -  2
Mary Ann      10 -  3
Terri      10:30 -  5?
St.  Joseph's        1:30 -   2

Tuesday, Apr. 25
                    Vince          7 -  9
                    Lewis?      7:30 -  9:30
                    Carlotta?   7:30 -  9:30
                    Jose           8 -  10
                    Debbie       9:30 - 1
                              Albert & Ione          10 -   12
                    Fr. James     10 -  12
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Terri      10:30 -  5

Next week's schedule
[Special instructions for May 1-2:
          No signs of any kind.
          Main focus: prayer
          One sidewalk counselor, only offering literature.
     If literature is refused, don't talk further.
This is part of a three-month experiment testing the
effectiveness of various tactics.  Thank you for
cooperating with this effort.]

Monday, May 1
Colleen                 8 -   10:30
                    Jose           8 -  10
                    Rosa??         10 - 12
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Mary Ann      10 -  3
                    Terri      10:30 -  5?
                              St.  Joseph's        1:30 -   2
                              We need help            2 -   4

Tuesday, May 2
                    Lewis       7:30 -  9:30
                    Carlotta?   7:30 -  9:30
                    Jose           8 -  10
                    Debbie       9:30 - 1
                              Albert & Ione          10 -   12
                    Fr. James     10 -  12
                    Irene         10 -  2
                              Terri               10:30 -   5
                              We need help            2 -   4

Upcoming Events
     Monday, May 1 at 7 pm: Annual meeting and election of officers for LifeSavers Ministries.  If you are interested in being a part of this organization, please attend this meeting, to be held at the LifeHouse (25th and H Streets in Bakersfield).
     Friday, May 12 at 7 pm: The third annual "Baby Wade" memorial service will be held.  The location is to be announced.
     Thursday, May 18 at 6 pm: An introduction to Natural Family Planning will be held at 201 New Stine Road, Suite 120 (Dr.  Wedemeyer's Chiropractic Office). Kara Lucas, a Fresno NFP teacher with the Couple to Couple League, will speak.  If you are interested in learning NFP, or if you would like to teach or promote NFP, you are encouraged to attend.  For more information, contact Kathy Ancheta at 832-6200.
     Sunday, May 21: Carl's Jr.  LifeSavers fundraiser. When you present a special coupon (which will be made available soon), Bakersfield Carl's Jr. restaurants will donate 10% of your total order to LifeSavers Ministries.

Publication information
The LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus is published every Monday by LifeSavers Ministries, P.O. Box 40972, Bakersfield CA 93384-0972. Issues are available without charge at the LifeHouse, 2428 H Street, on Mondays and Tuesdays.  To subscribe to the LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus by mail, we request a suggested donation of $50 per year to cover postage and handling.  To subscribe by e-mail, just send a message with the subject "Subscribe" to "" (we request a suggested donation
of $10 per year).
For more information on LifeSavers Ministries,
call (661) 323-BABY or (661) 323-2229.

FrontLine Ministry Focus
Volume 7 (2007)

("Weekly" Ministry Focus)
Volume 6 (2006)
Volume 5 (2005)
Volume 4 (2004)
Volume 3 (2003)
Volume 2 (2001)
Volume 1 (2000)
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