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Weekly Ministry Focus
Volume 6, Number 5
April 24, 2006
Weekly Ministry Focus
Baby's life saved on second day of abortion process

At the end of a long day of killing, a crate filled with buckets of babies' bodies is carried away from Bakersfield's FPA abortion chamber. The crate is taken to a lab in Long Beach where the babies' bodies are individually examined to ensure that the abortionist did not leaving any extra baby parts inside its mother.
At least six or seven babies were saved from abortion last week in Bakersfield as Christians pleaded for their lives on the sidewalks outside the Family Planning Associates abortion chamber and at the LifeHouse pregnancy help center across the street.
Elderly abortionist Kenneth Wright traveled from Fresno, adding the blood of several dozen more innocent babies to the hundreds of thousands he has already aborted. When he talked to one of the women who changed her mind, he chastised her and pleaded with her to follow through with the abortion, apparently no longer concerned with respecting her "choice."
Read more about how God saved some of these children from abortion:
Early Monday morning, Gary stood on the sidewalk offering help to women entering the abortion chamber. "Jenna" politely accepted literature from Gary, but said "I know I have to have this done." After a brief conversation with Gary, she went inside the abortion business, where laminaria sticks were inserted in her cervix to begin the dilation process, opening her womb so that the following day the abortionist would be able to reach inside to forcibly pull apart her 18 week child.
Jenna was sure that she needed to go through with the abortion. But as she read the literature Gary had given her, she began to have doubts about her decision when she realized how big her baby was. She thought it was too late to change her mind, because she had been told that once the laminaria insertion was complete, she had to follow through with the abortion.
Tuesday morning, Jenna reluctantly went to the abortion chamber to have her baby ripped apart, even though she now wanted her baby to live. But something she read in the abortion papers made her wonder if it was really possible for her to change her mind. So Jenna decided to ask the abortionist to remove the laminaria, to see if it was possible to save her baby's life.
Abortionist Wright tried to convince Jenna to follow through with the abortion. "He must have said 'you could die!' to me at least five times! He just didn't want to let go," Jenna said. (Does Wright ever go to such lengths to warn his "patients" about the countless women who have died at the hands of abortionists like himself?) Finally, abortionist Wright could see that he could not change Jenna's mind, and he removed the laminaria. The abortion was going to cost Jenna $780, but Jenna paid only $80 to have the laminaria removed.
As she exited the abortion chamber, Jenna talked to Terri*, who arranged for Jenna to be seen immediately by a local obstetrician. Jenna's cervix apparently closed back up and her pregnancy is now proceeding normally.
At just 15 and 16, "Vance" and "Yesenia" felt like they were too young to care for a baby. So they scheduled an abortion, even though both sets of parents would support their decision if they chose to keep the child. As they approached the abortion building, Rhonda called them over to the sidewalk, where she showed the couple a video about abortion.
After talking and praying with Rhonda for about 15 minutes, the young couple decided to leave the abortion chamber and allow their child to continue growing in Yesenia's womb.
"Luci" and her boyfriend ignored the Christians on the sidewalks as they entered the abortion building. But as the teenage couple sat in the waiting room, Luci's mind was racing with thoughts about the child in her womb. When she finally turned to her boyfriend and said, "let's go," he was thrilled to find out that his child would not be aborted.
On their way out of the abortion chamber, Luci accepted a baby gift from Rhonda. "Your baby might be born on Christmas," Terri said to the couple.
Luci's boyfriend smiled and replied, "my birthday is on Christmas!"
On her way into the FPA abortion chamber, a woman in her early twenties told the pro-lifers on the sidewalk "I'm not here for abortion--I'm need information on how to take care of my baby."
"All they will tell you here is how to kill your baby," Terri responded. But the woman said that her HMO, Kaiser Permanente, referred her to Family Planning Associates, so she went inside the killing center, certain that the people at Kaiser had better information than these Christians on the sidewalks.
About ten minutes later, she came out with a disgusted look on her face. "They said they don't have any information on how to take care of a baby," the woman told Terri. "All they gave me was a pamphlet on second trimester abortion, because I told them that I am 14 weeks pregnant!"
The abortion staff had tried to sell her an abortion even though she clearly expressed the fact that she wants the child in her womb to thrive! (Once again, the abortionist's profit margin trumps "choice.")
As Todd's wife "Tenaya" was inside the abortion chamber, Rhonda shared with "Todd" the story of Nick Cannon, a movie star and rap singer who was saved from abortion. "Your baby could be a famous person like Nick Cannon someday, or he may be someone who will bless you later in life," Rhonda said. With tears in his eyes, Todd went up to get Tenaya, who had been inside for about an hour. Todd and Tenaya drove away, with their child still living in Tenaya's womb.
*LSM team member
FrontLine Ministry Focus
Volume 7 (2007)
("Weekly" Ministry Focus)
Volume 6 (2006)
Volume 5 (2005)
Volume 4 (2004)
Volume 3 (2003)
Volume 2 (2001)
Volume 1 (2000)