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Weekly Ministry Focus

Baby booties help women
remember their decisions for life

Baby booties lovingly made by Bobby Davidson, to be given to women who decide not to abort their babies
Baby booties lovingly made by Bobby Davidson, to be given to women who decide not to abort their babies.

When a woman decides not to abort her baby, we offer her a small baby gift. The gifts usually include a "Hope for the Future" Bible, a baby toy, and handmade baby booties. The baby booties help touch the woman's heart and give her an emotional connection with the child growing inside her womb. This helps the woman to remember her decision not to abort her child.

When the supply of baby booties at the LifeHouse was exhausted over a year ago, baby socks were substituted.

But recently, we received a new supply of baby booties from Barbara Maring, who leads a life-saving ministry outside a Planned Parenthood abortion chamber in Whittier, California. The booties were made by Bobby Davidson, a woman who has made thousands of pairs of baby booties. "She had a small stroke, and couldn't remember how to make the booties," Barbara explained, "but it came back to her." However, Bobby continues to suffer from memory loss in many other areas and is very concerned. Please pray that God will heal Bobby's mind and protect her health.

Thank you, Bobby and Barbara, on behalf of the many women and children whose lives are being touched by these precious baby booties!

More news from Weekly Ministry Focus Vol. 4 No. 6