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Weekly Ministry Focus

Volume 1, Number 46 November 20, 2000
Weekly Ministry Focus
Fourteen-year-old girl decides not to abort her baby

Abortionist Kenneth Wright only committed abortions last Tuesday in Bakersfield at the Family Planning Associates abortion chamber. Due to illnesses, only a few "pregnancy evangelists" were available on the sidewalks and in the LifeHouse to offer help and information to the women. Here are a few selected reports from last week's ministry activities:

"Karissa," 14, had a positive pregnancy test recently at Planned Parenthood, and she had been referred to the abortion chamber to abort her baby last Tuesday. Before she entered, Carlotta* talked to her, convincing her to come to the LifeHouse to view a video about abortion. After seeing the video, Karissa said "there's no way I'd do that, but I may give the baby to someone, either that or keep it." Carlotta gave her some food to eat (she had been told not to eat before the abortion), and Terri* gave her a baby gift. Karissa was happy when she left.

"Grace," 36, came to the LifeHouse on Tuesday for a pregnancy test. She attends a local Pentecostal church, and she hoped to be pregnant, but her test was negative. Terri showed her a video about abortion, and Grace said she could hardly stand to watch, because she had aborted a baby 15 years ago at FPA. She now regrets her decision. Grace brought her teenage daughter to the LifeHouse about a year ago for a pregnancy test, and she now has a four month old grandbaby! On the pregnancy test form, Grace wrote "keep up the good work--life works"!

"Serina," 19, came to the FPA abortion mill on Tuesday for a pregnancy test, but a sidewalk volunteer encouraged her to go to the LifeHouse instead. Serina said that she is "born again," but she is not married. Her test was positive, so Terri gave her a "Hope for the Future" Bible and a baby gift. Serina said she didn't need any help, and that she will definitely be keeping her baby.

"Sarah" came to the LifeHouse on Tuesday for a pregnancy test. Her test was positive, and she and her husband were both happy about it. "But we're going to have to stop smoking weed," Sarah told her husband. Terri gave her a "Hope for the Future" Bible and a baby gift.

Join us for the Fifth Annual
LifeSavers Ministries
Mexican Dinner
and Auction
Thursday, December 7 at 6:30 pm
Calvary Bible Church
4850 Manor Street, Bakersfield

Adults $15
Children (6-12) $7
Children under 6 Free
Families $50

For more information, call (661) 323-2229
or go to:

Woman in coma after surgery at Planned Parenthood

Abortionist Robert Crist apparently botched a tubal ligation surgery at a Planned Parenthood facility in a Kansas City suburb last week.

Shannon Fisher, the victim's sister, said the family speculates the oxygen tube, which was supposed to be placed in McCown's lung, was placed in her stomach instead. Linda McCown, 27, of Sedalia, Mo. remained comatose on Nov. 10 following a tubal ligation she had at a Planned Parenthood facility in Overland Park, Kansas on Nov. 2. KMBC-TV News in Kansas City reported that during the surgery, McCown, a mother of four, had gone without oxygen for a long period of time. Fisher said that the family will be taking legal action.

Abortionist Crist is Planned Parenthood's chief abortionist at the Forest Park Street abortion facility in St. Louis. (Editor's note: This Planned Parenthood abortion chamber is a huge fortress. When we were there recently, we witnessed an armored truck arriving to haul away the blood money. You can see a picture of this at

Nearly one year to the date, on November 6, 1999, Crist nearly killed a St. Louis woman in a botched abortion. He has killed two women by his abortions. The most recent was in April 1997. At last count, Crist has been sued at least eight times; none has been successful.

- Pro-Life Infonet #2291, November 15, 2000

Study shows positive effects of pro-life presence

A British study has provided evidence that the mere public presence of the pro-life movement is discouraging young mothers from ending the lives of their preborn babies.

The study found that many teenage girls allow their children to be born even with "unplanned pregnancies" because their families and local community are opposed to abortion.

The pro-abortion authors of the report lamented that so many girls allowed their children to live. Sharon Tabberer, a research fellow at the University of York and co-author of the report said her findings indicated that with "unbiased" information on abortion and early motherhood, "independent" counseling, teens would be "better informed".


This week's schedule

If you are unable to be physically involved in this ministry, please use this schedule to help you pray for those who are on the front lines.

Monday, Nov. 20
Colleen 8 - 10:30
Terri* 10:30 - 6
Chuck 11:30 - 3
Irene* 10 - 2
Debbie* 9 - 12
St. Joseph's 1:30 - 2

Tuesday, Nov. 21
Lewis 7:30 - 9:30
Vince 7:30 - 9
Terri* 10:30 - 4
Chuck 11:30 - 3
Fr. James 10 - 12
Irene* 10 - 2
Mary Ann 11 - 3

Monday, Nov. 27
Colleen 8 - 10:30
Chuck 11:30 - 3
Irene* 10 - 2
Terri* 10:30 - 4
Debbie* 9 - 12
St. Joseph's 1:30 - 2
We need help 8 - 10:30

Tuesday, Nov. 28
Lewis 7:30 - 9:30
Terri* 10:30 - 4
Chuck 11:30 - 3
Fr. James 10 - 12
Irene* 10 - 2
Mary Ann 11 - 3
We need help 6:45 - 10:30
*LSM team members (others are independent volunteers)

The LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus is published every Monday by Tim and Terri Palmquist, PMB 1911-166, Tehachapi CA 93581 ( All expenses of this publication are paid for by the Palmquists; no funds from LifeSavers Ministries are used in any way to publish or distribute the Weekly Ministry Focus. Issues are available without charge at the LifeHouse on Mondays and Tuesdays. To subscribe to the Weekly Ministry Focus by mail, we request a suggested donation of $30 per year to cover postage and handling. To subscribe by e-mail, just send a message with the subject "Subscribe" to "" (we request a suggested donation of $10 per year). All donations are optional.

LifeSavers Ministries  P.O. Box 40972  Bakersfield CA 93384

The LifeHouse  2428 H Street  Bakersfield, CA 93301

FrontLine Ministry Focus
Volume 7 (2007)

("Weekly" Ministry Focus)
Volume 6 (2006)
Volume 5 (2005)
Volume 4 (2004)
Volume 3 (2003)
Volume 2 (2001)
Volume 1 (2000)
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