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In Touch With LifeSavers features in-depth accounts of babies who have been saved and women who have been helped by LifeSavers Ministries, along with news about upcoming LifeSavers events and other ministry news. In Touch With LifeSavers is published occasionally, when funds allow.
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Weekly Ministry Focus

Volume 4, Number 8
October 19, 2004

Weekly Ministry Focus

In loving memory of
Baby Andrew Nicholas Barron
A poem in memory of Baby Andrew

Woman brings friend to see video that saved her child

The staff at Bakersfield's FPA abortion chamber was unexpectedly sent home before lunchtime on October 5, canceling the day's killing schedule. Abortionist Kenneth Wright fled the scene, and within minutes two cars arrived with investigators who went inside the abortion chamber. A nurse's car remained at the abortion chamber for a week after the incident.

Teddy bear in trash can, thrown away by FPA abortion guard Johnny Stanley

This teddy bear was given to a woman who was entering the FPA abortion chamber, but security guard Johnny Stanley confiscated the teddy bear and threw it in the trash. (Those who support throwing precious babies in the trash obviously have no problem throwing cute teddy bears in the trash.)

Last week, abortions were committed in Bakersfield by Glendale abortionist Robert Smith. A man who brought a girl for an abortion threw rocks at one of the Christians on the sidewalks, and the Christians were surprised by the way police quickly and professionally dealt with the situation. FPA security guard Johnny Stanley accused teddy bears and telephones of trespassing on "his property," apparently afraid that such expressions of love could interfere with FPA's reign of terror.

FPA security guard Johnny Lewis Stanley (R. Stanley Security Service badge #109) seeks to intimidate Christians by videotaping their activities.
Johnny Stanley

Meanwhile, Christians continued to intercede for the innocent children on the sidewalks outside the FPA killing center and at the LifeHouse pregnancy help center across the street. Here are some of the ministry reports from last week:

When "Emily" heard that her friend "Diane" had scheduled an abortion, Emily decided to go with her to the abortion chamber, hoping that she could help save the life of Diane's child.

A few years ago, Emily had planned to abort her own son, but she repented of her abortion decision after seeing a video about abortion at the LifeHouse. Emily encouraged Diane "please come see this video first." Emily brought Diane to the LifeHouse.

In the LifeHouse parking lot, Terri* offered to show Diane the video, while Diane's cousin encouraged her not to see it. "You're not making this any easier," Diane's cousin said to Terri.

"If you can't even look at this, then please don't have the abortion," Terri pleaded. "When you go to bed at night, you're going to miss that baby."

Pastor Scott from Refiner's Fire was on the sidewalk outside the abortion chamber, so Terri called him over, hoping that he could reach Diane better. Diane told Pastor Scott that she is a Christian, but that the guy she is with now may not be her baby's father.

Terri assured Diane "we will help you, and the reason is because of God, and His love for you; believe it or not, He has a purpose and a reason that you're pregnant, and it's not to have an abortion."

Finally, Diane and her cousin left, missing Diane's abortion appointment. As they drove away, Terri prayed that God would put a hedge of protection around Diane and the baby.

After "Jason" left his girlfriend inside the abortion chamber, Jason met some of the Christians on the sidewalk. He shared the pain he experienced in the past from the death of a child. Pam (from Bethany Ministries) gave him a teddy bear and a Bible, and Terri offered him some literature. Pam and Terri encouraged him to go back inside the waiting room to try to save the life of this child. As he began to walk up the stairs, FPA security guard Johnny Stanley said "you can't bring the bear and Bible up there," so Jason put them in his car and went back up the stairs.

Less than a minute after he entered the building, Jason came out with his girlfriend, their child still alive in her womb.

"Julie" recently decided not to abort her baby after Terri showed her a video about abortion. But when she got back home, her boyfriend was angry to learn that their child was still alive. He decided to reschedule her abortion, this time in Fresno.

Early in the morning, Julie dressed herself for her Fresno abortion appointment, praying that God would send people to the Fresno abortion chamber like the Christians she had encountered outside Bakersfield's abortion chamber. Julie was distressed to see that nobody was standing outside Fresno's killing center trying to intervene for her child.

She wished that her boyfriend could have seen the abortion video, believing that he would have changed his mind too.

Even after she was inside the Fresno abortion chamber, Julie kept praying that something would happen so that she wouldn't have to go through with the abortion.

Julie's baby died that day inside Fresno's abortion chamber.

Now Julie is experiencing physical and emotional problems from the abortion. She dreams that she is holding a baby boy in her arms. Terri encouraged her to name her baby and to get post-abortion counseling. Terri also advised her to get away from her boyfriend, but Julie is in a difficult situation because her boyfriend pays the rent.

*LSM team member
Scripture Focus: 2 Corinthians 2:14-17

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.

Sincerely spread the knowledge of Christ today, recognizing the fact that your acts of love will be received by those who are perishing as an acts of condemnation, but those who are being saved will someday thank you for your obedience.

Prayer Focus

Learn to help save babies!

LSM training seminars will be held on Saturday, October 30 from 1 to 4 pm at the LifeHouse, 2428 H Street in Bakersfield, and on Saturday, November 6 from 2 to 5 pm in Wasco (call 323-2229 for location information). Please consider attending one of these free seminars to learn more about the scriptural foundation for our tactics.

A poem in memory of baby Andrew

Terri Palmquist wrote a poem after baby Andrew's death on September 29, and read the poem (with an accompanying slide show) at Andrew's memorial service on October 7.

FrontLine Ministry Focus
Volume 7 (2007)

("Weekly" Ministry Focus)
Volume 6 (2006)
Volume 5 (2005)
Volume 4 (2004)
Volume 3 (2003)
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