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In Touch With LifeSavers features in-depth accounts of babies who have been saved and women who have been helped by LifeSavers Ministries, along with news about upcoming LifeSavers events and other ministry news. In Touch With LifeSavers is published occasionally, when funds allow.
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Weekly Ministry Focus

Volume 4, Number 4
July 26, 2004

Weekly Ministry Focus

Bible verses help save grandchild's life

At least a dozen babies were saved from abortion last Monday and Tuesday as dozens of Christians lined the sidewalks outside Bakersfield's Family Planning Associates abortion chamber. Traveling from Lamont, many members of St. Augustine Church had their first opportunity to stand up for Christ Christians pleading for the children outside Bakersfield's FPA killing center outside this killing center. Quest church provided Bibles to distribute on Tuesday; most of the Bibles were given to women who were leaving after abortions ("Hope for the Future" Bibles, specifically designed for pregnant women, are regularly distributed by LSM pregnancy evangelists to women who are considering abortion). Abortionist Robert Smith traveled from Glendale, using his God-given surgical abilities to tear apart children created in God's image. Here are some glimpses of how God worked last week through the Christians on the sidewalks:

"Agnes" rushed up to Terri*, demanding "show me where the Bible says that abortion is wrong!" Agnes was holding the Bible Terri had given her just a few minutes earlier (when Terri mistakenly thought she was with someone who was leaving after an abortion).

Terri first showed Agnes Exodus 20:13 (from the Ten Commandments) and then turned to Psalm 139:13 (" knit me together in my mother's womb..."). Terri expected Agnes to respond with a debate, but instead she said "thank you!" and hurried back upstairs to the abortion chamber's waiting room.

Agnes shared the scriptures with her pregnant daughter "Alexis." Agnes and Alexis came out of the waiting room and sat on the stairs for several minutes, discussing their situation and crying. Finally, they came down the stairs and told Terri that Alexis' baby (and Agnes' grandbaby) will live.

Agnes and her three daughters need a two bedroom apartment. They can afford up to $650 per month.

"Harriet" and her friends stayed up until three in the morning trying to talk "Verna" out of her decision to abort her baby, but Verna was determined to have her child killed, even though the baby's father would have been happy to learn that he is not infertile after all. Six years ago, Harriet had been planning to abort her child, but after encountering LSM's pregnancy evangelism ministry outside the killing center, she repented. Verna mocked Harriet, saying "you didn't have an abortion because you are a wimp."

Harriet, Verna and their friends traveled from their home in rural Santa Barbara county to the Bakersfield abortion chamber. At the abortion chamber, Harriet encountered "Bettina," who was scheduled for an abortion. Harriet encouraged Bettina to ask Terri to show her an abortion video, explaining "that video saved my baby's life."

After watching the video, Bettina decided not to abort her baby. Bettina also witnessed another woman decide not to abort her baby that same day.

"Devon" threw the Bible down, exclaiming "Jesus is a fictional character!" Terri picked up the Bible she had offered Devon, as Devon angrily drove away.

Several minutes later, Devon returned, saying "I want to apologize for the way I acted," and offered Terri several bottles of water and bags of trail mix. Devon explained that she is a "pro-choice" activist, but added "I would like to talk more."

Devon had the opportunity to see Terri show the abortion video to a pregnant woman who decided not to abort her baby. Devon also heard the testimony of Jessica, the mother of Baby Andrew (the baby God has been healing so miraculously).

In Loving Memory of
Robert John Gallaher
- Even in death, he stood for life -
Special thanks to those who gave to LSM in his memory.
"Vivian" told a friend at work that she was planning to abort her baby. Her friend told Vivian that she had once also planned to abort a baby, but after watching the video about abortion at the LifeHouse, she decided not to do so.

Vivian took her friend's advice and went to the LifeHouse, telling Terri "I decided to give you a chance before I have this abortion." Terri was busy dealing with other pregnant women, so Tim* and Amy* talked with Vivian for over an hour about her situation.

After being raised as a Jehovah's Witness, Vivian expressed hopelessness regarding her prospects of heaven. When Tim explained various scriptures which reveal God's plan for her life, Vivian prayed to accept Christ as her Lord and Savior.

Vivian was one of several women helped by LSM last week who needed a local maternity home. At this time no home exists which meets such needs.

Two prisoners were transported by the Kern County Sheriff's Department for abortions on Tuesday. According to a deputy, one of the girls changed her mind after she heard Terri offering help. Another prisoner apparently changed her mind on Monday, with two other prisoners aborting their children.

*LSM team members
Scripture Focus: Isaiah 55:6-11

Baby Steven, saved from abortion with the help of LSM and the Elizabeth League

Baby Steven was born last week to Alma, who was helped throughout her pregnancy by the Our Lady of Guadalupe Elizabeth League group.

Baby Destiny Lucky

Before baby Destiny Lucky was born, her mother's doctor recommended that she should be aborted. But Destiny's mother had already repented of an earlier decision to abort Destiny, and she had no intention of letting her baby be killed. When Destiny was born a few weeks ago, the doctors said that part of her brain is missing, and Destiny required surgery to place a shunt in her head for drainage.

Last Thursday, Tim and Terri Palmquist had a baby blanket prayed over for Destiny at the Healing Rooms at Desert Song Foursquare Church in California City. During the prayer time, Leslie (one of the intercessors) sensed the need to pray for Destiny's mother, proclaiming the scripture "perfect love casts out fear" (1 John 4:18).

Apparently at that very moment, an ambulance was taking Destiny's mother to the hospital because she had experienced difficulty breathing due to an anxiety attack. Neither Leslie, Tim nor Terri had any knowledge of serious anxiety issues with Destiny's mother.

About the time that the intercessors were praying for Destiny's mother, her anxiety attack quickly disappeared. By the time she arrived at the hospital, she was feeling fine. Tim and Terri visited Destiny's mother late that evening in her home, praying for Destiny as they placed the anointed baby blanket on her. (Tim and Terri also provided various other baby items for Destiny.)

Please continue to pray that God will fully heal Destiny for His glory, just as He has been healing baby Andrew.

The amazing story of how God saved Destiny from abortion was featured in Weekly Ministry Focus Volume 3 Number 14.

Seek the Lord while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous his thoughts;
Let him return to the Lord,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord.
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

"For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

Ask God to help you focus what you say and pray on His Word, declaring the promise that it will accomplish His Will.

Prayer Focus

Ministry needs
Car seats (one for a newborn baby)
Small gift bags (to be given to post-abortion women)
El Grito Del Silencio (The Silent Scream)
Domingo 1ro de Agosto (8/1/2004) 6:00 pm
Templo Calvario 4040 Niles St. 871-7572

Learn to help save babies!
Saturday, July 31