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In Touch With LifeSavers features in-depth accounts of babies who have been saved and women who have been helped by LifeSavers Ministries, along with news about upcoming LifeSavers events and other ministry news. In Touch With LifeSavers is published occasionally, when funds allow.
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Weekly Ministry Focus

Volume 4, Number 3
May 17, 2004

Weekly Ministry Focus
Boyfriend seeks abortion for "fun"

No room for burnout!
Quotes from Molly Kelly, international pro-life speaker, at last week's National Life Center convention:

"I wanted to win this battle fast, but God said 'at My pace and with My grace'...."

"We are in this for life, for life...."

"There's no room for burnout in this movement. How many of you in this room are parents? Did you burn out yet? You can't burn out from being a parent! You can get mad at them, you can get tired, but you can't burn out!"

Terri Palmquist planned a celebration of life outside the Bakersfield
Sarah Palmquist enjoying her birthday cake
Sarah enjoyed her birthday cake so much she wanted to eat the plate!
abortion chamber last Monday with a birthday party for her one-year-old daughter Sarah, but God touched so many women's hearts that the birthday party had to be delayed for a few hours. Inside the abortion chamber, Glendale abortionist Robert Smith killed little children on Monday and Tuesday. Here are some selected reports on how God helped women through our pregnancy evangelism ministries last week:

When "Candi" told her boyfriend that she was pregnant, he quickly insisted that she should make an appointment to abort the baby. "My birthday is coming up," he explained, "and if you get it over with now, we can have a fun celebration."

Candi scheduled an abortion for last Monday, but she told her boyfriend to stay at home. "If you can't be with me during a pregnancy, I don't want you with me during the abortion," she told him.

As Candi approached the abortion chamber, Lola stood on the sidewalk outside. Normally on a Monday morning, Lola would have been attending her college classes, but she decided to miss one of her classes to attend Sarah's birthday party outside the abortion chamber.

Lola quickly discovered that she didn't need to use much persuasion to convince Candi to miss her abortion appointment. Candi accepted Lola's invitation to come across the street to the LifeHouse, where Amy Palmquist showed Candi a video about abortion.

"The video confirmed the fact that I shouldn't do this," Candi said. "I'm not going to have the abortion, even if my boyfriend wants me to."

A few days later, Candi brought her boyfriend back to the LifeHouse to watch the video. Afterwards, Candi reported that he was still responding immaturely. "Hopefully he'll come around eventually," Terri said.

"You don't need him," Candi's mom reassured her, "I'll be there for you." Candi is trying to stay away from him now, focusing instead on her studies. She says she is excited about having a baby.

Lola had wondered if she was effective in reaching women on the sidewalks, but she was involved in at least three women changing their minds on Monday.

As a cheerleader at a rural high school, "Muriel" knew that pregnancy didn't fit in with her plans. So when she realized she was pregnant, Muriel looked in her phone book for abortion information, and dialed LifeSavers Ministries' phone number.

Terri answered the phone, and after a long discussion about the harmful effects of abortion, she encouraged Muriel to have a free ultrasound at the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center. Muriel was still intending to abort her baby, but she agreed to come to Bakersfield for the ultrasound.

When Muriel saw her 11-week baby happily jumping around on the ultrasound, she knew she could not go through with the abortion. Learning to love her baby, Muriel brought her ultrasound pictures home.

At this point Muriel has not yet told her mother about the pregnancy. Muriel attends a Christian fellowship.

"Marianela" knew that her pregnancy created a legal problem for her boyfriend, because he is an adult and she is a minor. She decided to abort her baby to hide her boyfriend's violation of California Penal Code section 261.5 (unlawful sexual intercourse).

After discussing her situation with several representatives of LifeSavers Ministries outside the abortion chamber and at the LifeHouse, Marianela initially reconsidered her abortion decision.

Sadly, on Tuesday, Marianela succumbed to family pressure and returned to the abortion chamber. Terri called the Bakersfield Police Department, hoping that officers would come to the abortion chamber to enforce the law, but officer Michael Gerrity informed Terri that the Bakersfield Police Department does not enforce this law unless the family complains.

Scripture Focus: Galatians 6:7-10

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Pray that God will help you to continue to sow good seed for His glory, persevering even when no harvest is in sight.

Terri Palmquist holding newborn baby Andrew, son a LifeHouse client.
Terri Palmquist holds newborn baby Andrew, who was brought to the LifeHouse last week by his mother. Andrew is now in Valley Children's Hospital, suffering from life-threatening meningitis.
Prayer Focus

Labor of Love banquet - June 17, 2004 Join us in celebrating 20 years of life-saving ministry June 17

Hear testimonies of women and children who God saved from abortion over the past two decades at the "Labor of Love" banquet on Thursday, June 17, at 7 PM. The celebration will be held at Hodel's Country Dining. Tickets are available in advance for $30 at Bakersfield area Christian bookstores, in addition to Russo's Books and the LifeHouse. (Tickets at the door will cost $35.)

More information and tickets...

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: LSM pregnancy evangelism training - Sat. June 19.