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Over 40 years of ministry to

pregnant women and their children

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Welcome to the LifeSavers Ministries guestbook

Thank you for spending some time visiting our ministry website. Could you take a few moments to tell us what brought you to our website, or tell us what you think about what you've seen here, or just tell us a little about yourself? It is always such a blessing to learn about those who visit our website, and we may not know about you unless you tell us!

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I had an abortion at 13 weeks when I was 15 years old.  It was the worst mistake of my whole life and I live with the horrible guilt and regret every day of my life.  I am 22 years old, married and have two other children but the abortion still affects me today.  I am actively involved in helping post abortive women heal from their experience, and continue to speak out against abortion to hopefully save the life of babies and the emotional sanity of their mothers, but there is always more to do and that can be emotionally and physically draining.  I have so much respect and admiration for you and your ministry because of this.  You are an inspiration to me and my future in the Pro Life movement!  Thank you so much for what you are doing! May God continue to bless your hard work!
  Starla (Charles Town, WV)
In Loving Memory of Baby Genesis 12/96-3/97
Sunday, August 8, 2004 at 1:10 am

I am a wife, mother, and a Nana of 1 beautiful grandblessing from God.  I have struggled many years about the issue of abortion.  I was only 17 years old when my boyfriend told me if I decided to have my baby he would leave me.  At the time I was not able to live at home with my Mom.  I had no money and I had this strong emotional tie to this young man whom I believed that I would marry and later have other children.  That abortion drove a horrible wedge in our relationship and it did not last.  I have had to live with that decision the last 27 years.  I also saw that man recently and him and his wife were never able to have children.  God has been speaking to my heart the last few months only because I have allowed him to do so.  I was so broken and hurt that I would not even talk about the loss of that child.  I became a Mother the day I conceived that child and still mourn it's loss.  Yes, I know I am forgiven and I will see that baby in heaven but it's still a loss.  I have told God I want to dedicate some time to the Life Savers ministry so that is what I am doing.  There is some real life stuff going on downtown on Mon. And Tues. If you live in the Bakersfield Area and your life have been affected by an abortion or loss of a child please call 323-Baby.  We need each other.  We need God and his life changing message. Rhonda Sutfin
Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 6:43 am

God Bless you for your efforts in the pro-life efforts of your ministry. It's really kind of funny how I found you, but then God does have a pretty good sense of humor. We have a team that walks for the Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society and we call ourselves the "lifesavers" a name we chose because our group was a youth group from LIFE TEEN, Inc.

Our team has converted into a pro-life effort and we are walking this year to inform ALL of the links between abortion and cancer. We would appreciate any information you may have that we could share.

In the BIGGER picture we would love more info on your organization, we are not that far away and we have some effort started here through Respect Life/Family Life at our church.

I love the name lifesavers linked with your is so appropriate. if there is anything we could start up here, or if we could expand your efforts on the west coast, please contact me...

In His Great Love...Teresa (Paso Robles, CA)

Tuesday, July 6, 2004 at 12:46 pm

God bless Terri and Tim! Sharon Turner and I stayed with your brother in Hong Kong on our way to the UN conference on women and later stayed in Bakersfield to minister to the Chinese women. You are doing a great job! Your web site is so educational. Are you still on radio?
Laurel <>
McDonough, GA USA - Sunday, February 16, 2003 at 4:50pm

i was a lifesavers girl when i was 17. they helped me get through the tough decision that i had to make. they were kind and considerate. they prayed with me. i also recieved the counceling i needed to make my decision. my decision was to give my daughter to a loving family that could give her everything she needed that i would never have been able to give her. the family i chose to care for and to love, are a pastor and his wife and there little girl. my daughter has been blessed to have three people who love her and take care of her. i believe i made the right decision. i recieve pictures of her once a year and she's beautiful. and i know she is happy-how do i know this because in all those pictures i've recieved she's smiling. and to see that smile on her face lets me know that she is happy and that i did make the right decision.
so if you are reading this and you are a pregnant teen or someone who just isn't ready to have a baby. please think twice before you have an abortion for you will never be able to see that child grow where if you chose adoption you would be able to see that child grow up in pictures at least.

collene <>
binghamton, NY USA - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 16:50:18 (CDT)

I discovered your page while searching for a place to do volunteer work. I am very interested in doing volunteer work for a pro-life oraganization.
Thank you,
Ferrell Alexander

Ferrell Alexander <>
Bakersfield, CA USA - Wednesday, June 06, 2001 at 16:33:12 (CDT)

God Bless You!
Dr. Jan Jorgensen <>
Bakersfield, CA Kern - Friday, June 01, 2001 at 13:54:12 (CDT)

I once had an abortion at age 16. I was a kid that thought I knew it all...boy was I wrong. I became saved about 2 1/2 years ago. I am very involved in my church. I recently received a call from the prayer chain regarding a woman that was considering abortion. I have asked forgiveness for my sins, including the abortion, but for some reason, this really stirred something up in me. I have been told that I will one day be the general of an army. I think I found my army. I know what I want to do. I made a huge mistake several, several years ago. I want to do everything in my God given ability to stop other women from making the same mistake, and if possible, give them a piece of the word of God at the same time. For now, I am just surfing the web, checking things out. But soon, I will be starting my training to deal with these women. THANK GOD FOR HIS REDEMPTION!!!!!
Angela <>
USA - Tuesday, May 15, 2001 at 15:15:11 (CDT)

I appreciate your ministry. Reading it has encouraged me. I minister on a chaplaincy team in a large county jail with Forgotten Man Ministries of Michigan. I serve in the women's unit of approx. 56 ladies. Many, many, MANY women that I counsel long term have confused to having killed a child by abortion. It is a long process working thru their grief and guilt along with the present crime/s they might be involved with also by now. But JESUS !!! He is wonderful, forgiving, and stands each one of us back up on our feet to serve Him, praise Him, and learn to love Him as we slowly learn to see ourselves as lovable to Him. God's Holy Word is the road map to freedom thru faith in Jesus. May God continue to bless your work !
Carolyn Wegener <>
Freeland, MI USA - Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 20:45:37 (CST)

Found your website via a post I sent to Brenda Capps, DEM. I am a born again believer in Colorado who is pro-life. My husband and I have been active in our state and local RTL group, and I am delighted to accept pregnant clients who choose to birth their unplanned babies and allow them the gift of life. Our local crisis pregnancy organization, The Alpha Center is dedicated to provide pregnancy testing, pregnancy counselling, medical support and living assistance to any woman who contacts this wonderful agency. Being Christian in concept and scope, it provides many area mothers the BEST choice for her surprise pregnancy. I am all too happy and ready to provide prenatal, birth, and follow up care to these women and babies.
Lynda Sizemore <>
Fort Collins, CO USA - Friday, March 16, 2001 at 00:27:23 (CST)

I was delighted to have been given your web site address by my friends the Greens at Life & Liberty Ministries - what a JOY it is to find so much of pro-life America converged at a single web site! May the Lord bless and keep you strongly active until the battle for restoration of respect for the sanctity of human life has been won!
Victoria DeLacy

Victoria T. DeLacy <>
Woodbridge, Va. Prince William - Saturday, March 03, 2001 at 10:23:24 (CST)

Note from Tim Palmquist:
The site Victoria referred to where "so much of pro-life America" converges is, a ministry of LifeSavers Ministries.

I heard about your site from Brenda Spurlock. I'm VP of Colorado Right to Life and a sometimes picketer at the Planned Parenthood killing facility in Denver.

I have passed this site on to some of the faithful protestors who save babies every week.

We all need encouragement. God bless you for your efforts and I look forward to seeing the successes around the nation.

I did a news interview today on the AMA proposing that the morning after pill be available over the counter. The media babe wondered if we would mount a new major campaign against that. I just about laughed. There is so much death being promoted on every front - how can we mount a new campaign every week????

Well, I can't get depressed since God is still on the throne and he wants even the wicked who love the killing to be saved. Talk about mercy!!

Praise Him,

Leslie Hanks
Watkins, Colorado

Leslie Hanks <>
Watkins, Co US - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 21:23:56 (CST)

I contacted you a while back, wanting to help out, but I had to get a job and did not have much time that I could spare physically.

I had an abortion at the "abortion chamber" here in Bakersfield 9 years ago. I was young and stupid, and 3 months away from getting married. When I asked my mother for advice, she urged me to get an abortion, saying that it would be terrible for me to be "fat" for my wedding. Like an idiot, I listened to her.

I passed by (probably) one of your members on the way in. The people at the "clinic" warned me about them, giving me the impression that they were out to do me physical or emotional harm. How wrong they were, and how I wish I'd stopped to listen.

I remember them telling me that they needed to hear my baby's heartbeat before they could do "the procedure". Procedure -- how simple and harmless that word sounds.

A while later (I can't remember how long it was), I'm sure I began suffering from PAS, and thank God for it. He was convicting my heart of the terrible sin I'd committed. A few years later, I gave my heart and life to Jesus Christ, and confessed my sin to fellow Christians. Since my first symptoms of PAS, I have become a strong pro-life person.

I looked at pictures of aborted babies on the internet tonight. I had never seen them before. I wept. One of them could have been mine.

I am happily married now with three beautiful living children. My husband, the father of all of my children, is now pro-life as well. What pushed him forward was witnessing a partial-birth abortion on tv.

Thank you for your ministry, and I will be praying for you.

Sincerely, Lori B.

Lori B.
Bakersfield, CA US - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 01:16:10 (CDT)

Note from Tim Palmquist:
We later corresponded with Lori, asking if she realized that her full name and e-mail address would be publicly available through this guestbook entry. As a result, she asked us to abbreviate her last name to "B" and to delete her e-mail address. However, if you wish, you may send Lori a message through us, and we will forward it to her.

It's Labor Day 2000 & I'm browsing! Amazed at the good things you have here. My friend Mary Gessner said she saw a testimony of Andrew at his baptism herein. I can't find it.

Dolores Palmquist
- Monday, September 04, 2000 at 11:31:54 (CDT)
Reply from Tim Palmquist:
Hi Mom! The baptism page is on our personal website, not on the LifeSavers website. You can access it here.

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