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Anonymous prayer
for LifeSavers Ministries

Received July 11, 2014

These three voicemail messages were received on Friday, July 11, 2014. (Our voicemail system kept cutting him off after 3 minutes, so he called back twice.) The intercessor did not identify himself, but he did pray that this prayer would spread, so we trust that he will not object to making his prayers public here.

Message 1

Message 2

Message 3

The phone messages appear above. You may need to wait for a while for the messages to appear. (Some mobile devices are apparently unable to display these messages.)

LifeSavers Ministries: over twenty five years of saving babies... one heart at a time

Why saving children from abortion should be a PRIORITY for churches

Should saving children from abortion be a PRIORITY for churches?

The Elizabeth League, offering support and encouragement for pregnant women through the Church

Do you want to
help your church
help pregnant women
help save babies' lives?

We offer alternatives to abortion
and free pregnancy tests

For help or ministry information, call (661) 323-2229

God's Plan: Tranforming the Gates of Hell into the Gates of Heaven, a book by Tim Palmquist

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the Gospel of Life!
Read Tim Palmquist's book.

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