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pregnant women and their children

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LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus
Volume 1, Number 8 - February 28, 2000

Mother brings 13-year old daughter to LifeHouse
   (and other ministry reports)
Scripture Focus
Prayer Focus
Commentary by Terri Palmquist:
   How committed are we?
Is this ministry worth supporting?
This week's schedule
Next week's schedule
Phone number alert
Publication information
Unsubscribe information

Mother brings 13-year old daughter to LifeHouse

Here are a few selected reports from last
week's ministry:

 "Tammy," 13, came to the LifeHouse for a
pregnancy test with her mom.  Tammy attends a
large local Charismatic church, but her mom is
not a Christian. Tammy had been having symptoms
of pregnancy for several weeks, until her mom
finally asked her if she was sexually active, and
Tammy admitted it.  They had heard about the
LifeHouse from a friend, so Tammy's mom decided
to bring her here because she did not want her to
abort the baby if she was pregnant.  The results
of the pregnancy test were negative.  Terri
talked with Tammy and gave her literature on
Second Virginity.  Tammy prayed with Terri,
asking God to help her to not have sex.  While
Tammy had been taking the pregnancy test and
talking to Terri, her mom had walked across the
street to the abortion chamber.  She went
upstairs and talked to the receptionist, pleading
with her not to abort her daughter's baby if she
came there.  Tammy's boyfriend was on parole, and
he will now go back to jail because of having sex
with Tammy.

 "Kristy," 18, came to the LifeHouse for a
pregnancy test.  The test results were negative. 
Kelly is engaged, and is taking the birth control
pills.  Terri encouraged her to wait until the
honeymoon, and gave her literature about the
dangers of birth control pills.

 "Vanessa," 27, came to the LifeHouse for
a pregnancy test.  She is Catholic and single. 
The test results were positive.  She will be
keeping her baby.

Scripture Focus: Luke 12:35-39, 47-48

"Be ready for whatever comes, dressed for
action and with your lamps lit, like servants who
are waiting for their master to come back from a
wedding feast.  When he comes and knocks, they
will open the door for him at once.  How happy
are those servants whose master finds them awake
and ready when he returns!  I tell you, he will
take off his coat, ask them to sit down, and will
wait on them.  How happy they are if he finds
them ready, even if he should come at midnight or
even later!  And you can be sure that if the
owner of a house knew the time when the thief
would come, he would not let the thief break into
his house." ...
"The servant who knows what his master
wants him to do, but does not get himself ready
and do it, will be punished with a heavy
whipping.  But the servant who does not know what
his master wants, and yet does something for
which he deserves a whipping, will be punished
with a light whipping.  Much is required from the
person to whom much is given; much more is
required from the person to whom much more is

Whenever your mind wanders, and you are tempted
to engage in idle conversation, please direct
your mind back to meditating upon this scripture.

Prayer Focus

  Ask God to help women who are entering the
abortion chamber to realize that help is
available; pray that they won't perceive our
activities as just a "protest."
  Pray that every sidewalk counselor will be
alert and ready to respond appropriately to each
person they encounter today.  Ask God to help
each counselor to find the root cause of each
woman's decision to abort.
  Pray that abortionist Kenneth Wright will
surrender to God.  Ask God to bring situations
into Wright's life in the days ahead which will
force him to go to his knees.
  Pray for "Tammy" (see report above) to remain
abstinent, and to be a good witness for Christ to
her mother.

Commentary by Terri Palmquist:
  How committed are we?

[note to our e-mail receipients: this article is
primarily addressed to our volunteers.  However,
we hope that when you read about some of the
difficulties we are experiencing with our
volunteers, this will enable you to pray more
intelligently for this ministry.  We will
appreciate it if you will pray that God will help
every volunteer to take their responsibilities
more seriously, and that God would be glorified.]
"To whom much is given much is required."
We at LifeSavers Ministries could boast
about all we do, especially if we compare
ourselves to "most people" who don't do much, if
anything, to save a life.  Of course, we would be
wrong, especially to boast, because any good we
accomplish is from God, not us.  Also, because we
know without a doubt the truth about abortion,
that it kills a baby, and we know where they are
killed, and we know what God says about it, we
are held to a much higher standard.
Let us not compare ourselves to those who
do less, but let's compare ourselves to those who
do more, mainly Jesus!  He gave His own life!
It seems like most of us are willing to
put in a couple hours here or there, but what
about when we schedule doctor's appointments,
vacations and such; do we realize that they will
still be killing even when we aren't there? 
Don't get offended now!  You know that we are all
guilty of it, some more than others, but the next
time you have something you schedule, could you
not do it on a Monday or Tuesday?  And if you
have to miss, for heaven's sake please give me a
call ahead of time, and if possible, find someone
to replace yourself.
Treat this as you would a "real job." 
Many of us would have been fired if we performed
at our "real job" the way we perform for God.  No
one should have to be alone on the sidewalks, but
many times we are.  We are not keeping our
schedules.  Please be more committed, and
remember "when you do it unto the least of these,
you do it unto me!"
Here's a challenge for each of us: bring
a new person out with you during the month of

Is this ministry worth supporting?

Most of you do give to LSM personally,
but I am asking you to each go to your own church
and ask this of them:
1) Will you consider financially
supporting LifeSavers Ministries?
2) Once a month will you come and pray
for one hour on a killing day?  As part of your
church, you have a better chance of getting them
involved, so do it.  You may have to attend
business meetings or something, but it will be
worth the effort, so just do it!

This week's schedule

[If you are unable to be physically involved in
this ministry, please use this schedule to help you pray for those who are on the front lines.]

Monday, Feb.  28
Colleen 8 - 10:30
Jose 8 - 10
Rosa? 10 - 12
Irene 10 - 2
Terri 10:30 - 5?
St.  Joseph's 1:30 - 2

Tuesday, Feb.  29
Vince 7 - 9
Lewis 7:30 - 9:30
Carlotta 7:30 - 9:30
Jose 8 - 10
Albert 10 - 12
Ione 10 - 12
Fr. James 10 - 12
Irene 10 - 2
Terri 10:30 - 5

Next week's schedule

Monday, Mar.  6
Colleen 8 - 10:30
Jose 8 - 10
Carlotta 9:15 - 11:15
Susan 8:30 - 10:30
Rosa? 10 - 12
Irene 10 - 2
Mary Ann 10 - 3
Terri 10:30 - 5?
St.  Joseph's 1:30 - 2
We need help 3 - 4

Tuesday, Mar.  7
Lewis 7:30 - 9:30
Carlotta 7:30 - 9:30
Jose 8 - 10
Albert 10 - 12
Ione 10 - 12
Fr. James 10 - 12
Irene 10 - 2
Terri      10:30 - 5
We need help 9 - 10
We need help 2 - 4

Phone number alert

Our old phone number, 837-2229, will soon be
disconnected.  Please help us ensure that we give
out the new number, 323-2229.  (If you notice the
old number on any literature, please write in the
new number.)

Publication information

 The LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus
is published every Monday [except for last
Monday... oops!] by LifeSavers Ministries, P.O.
Box 40972, Bakersfield CA 93384-0972. Issues are
available without charge at the LifeHouse, 2428 H
Street, on Mondays and Tuesdays.  To subscribe to
the LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus
by mail, we request a suggested donation of $50
per year to cover postage and handling.  To
subscribe by e-mail, just send a message with the
subject "Subscribe" to
"" (we request a
suggested donation of $10 per year).

For more information on LifeSavers Ministries,
call (661) 323-BABY or (661) 323-2229.

Receive our ministry updates and pray with us!

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