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Volume 1, Number 45 November 13, 2000
Weekly Ministry Focus
Woman almost tricked into helping to abort her grandchild

At least five babies were saved from abortion last week in Bakersfield! Abortions were committed last Monday and Tuesday in Bakersfield at the Family Planning Associates abortion chamber by abortionist Kenneth Wright. Here are a few selected reports from last week's ministry activities:

"Madeline" recently found out she is pregnant, but she felt like it wasn't the right time to have a baby, so she scheduled an abortion. Madeline is engaged to be married to "Josiah." She needed a ride to the abortion chamber in Bakersfield from the small town where they live, so she asked Josiah's mother for a ride.

Madeline knew that Josiah's mother would be against abortion, so she told her that she needed to see a doctor because of bowel problems. As they entered the abortion chamber on Tuesday, Terri* offered them information about abortion, and Josiah's mother noticed a large sign with a picture of an aborted baby on it. While Madeline went inside, Josiah's mother asked the security guard "is this an abortion clinic?" Then she marched upstairs, into the waiting room, and asked Madeline "what are you really here for?"

Madeline started crying, and Josiah's mother brought her downstairs to talk to Terri. Terri brought them across the street to the LifeHouse pregnancy help center, where Terri showed them a video about abortion. After seeing the video, Madeline said she is definitely keeping the baby.

"Thomasina," 26, came to the abortion chamber on Monday, but one of the sidewalk counselors sent her to the LifeHouse. Although she is a Christian, she emphatically insisted that she wants an abortion. As she completed the LifeHouse information sheet, she answered the question "Is there anything we can do to help you?" by writing "make it go away."

Thomasina explained to Tim* that she lost part of her brain in a car accident several years ago, and she had been in a coma for six months. Since the accident, her mother has had custody of her son. "I just can't let my mother know I'm pregnant again," she said. Tim continued to talk to her (he was actually stalling for time, waiting for Terri to finish dealing with another couple who had intended to abort), but Thomasina remained unwavering in her determination to abort.

Eventually, Terri was able to show her a video about abortion. Thomasina told Terri that she was just a few weeks pregnant, and that she wanted to abort before the baby was formed, but as Terri discussed her symptoms, she discovered that she was actually 20 weeks pregnant. "I'll take care of your baby," Terri said.

Terri called a local midwife to discuss Thomasina's situation, and Thomasina agreed to meet with her.

"Tobi" came to the abortion chamber on Tuesday with her boyfriend. After he left Tobi inside, Terri tried to offer him help. He explained that he is Catholic and he knows that abortion is wrong, but his girlfriend is pregnant from someone else. "Do you love her?" Terri asked. "Yes," he said. "Do you want this relationship to continue?" Terri asked. "Yes," he said.

"She probably feels guilty and doesn't really want to abort the baby, but because she cares for you, she's willing to do this," Terri explained. He walked away, saying "I know it's wrong."

Later, Tobi came out and talked to Terri. She called her boyfriend from the LifeHouse to announce that their baby was still alive. That's right, their baby! Her calculations had been wrong: it was her boyfriend's baby after all! Terri gave her a baby gift and some food (Tobi was hungry because she was told not to eat before the abortion).

A few hours later, Terri was concerned to see Tobi and her boyfriend going back into the abortion chamber. "What's up?" she asked. "We're just here to get our money back!" they beamed.

"Zora," 18, and her boyfriend "Orrin" came to the abortion mill on Monday to abort her baby. Terri gave them literature and invited them to come to the LifeHouse to see a video. After they watched the video, Zora said she doesn't want to abort. Orrin said "I'm just not ready to be a dad."

"But how can you watch that video and know what she and your baby will go through and still want to do that to them, just because you're not ready?" After a long and difficult discussion, Orrin hugged Terri and thanked her. Terri gave Zora a baby outfit and baby booties.

"Annette," came to the abortion chamber on Tuesday, intending to abort her baby. The FPA staff told her that her baby wasn't formed yet, and that its heart was not even beating. Then she found out she was pregnant with twins! She came out of the killing center and talked to Terri, and came to the LifeHouse to see the video. She gave birth to twins several years ago, and she doesn't feel that she can care for two more babies, so she is interested in adoption. Tim helped her research some adoption information on the internet, and gave her a ride home. "I know that God must not have wanted me to have an abortion," she said, "because this is the third time I've been there."

This week's schedule

If you are unable to be physically involved in this ministry, please use this schedule to help you pray for those who are on the front lines.

Monday, Nov. 13
Colleen 8 - 10:30
Chuck 11:30 - 3
Irene* 10 - 2
Debbie* 9 - 12
St. Joseph's 1:30 - 2

Tuesday, Nov. 14
Lewis 7:30 - 9:30
Terri* 10:30 - 4
Chuck 11:30 - 3
Fr. James 10 - 12
Irene* 10 - 2
Mary Ann 11 - 3

Monday, Nov. 20
Colleen 8 - 10:30
Chuck 11:30 - 3
Irene* 10 - 2
Terri* 10:30 - 4
Debbie* 9 - 12
St. Joseph's 1:30 - 2
We need help 8 - 10:30

Tuesday, Nov. 21
Vince 7:30 - 9
Lewis 7:30 - 9:30
Terri* 10:30 - 4
Chuck 11:30 - 3
Fr. James 10 - 12
Irene* 10 - 2
Mary Ann 11 - 3
We need help 6:45 - 10:30
*LSM team members (others are independent volunteers)

The LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus is published every Monday by Tim and Terri Palmquist, PMB 1911-166, Tehachapi CA 93581 ( All expenses of this publication are paid for by the Palmquists; no funds from LifeSavers Ministries are used in any way to publish or distribute the Weekly Ministry Focus. Issues are available without charge at the LifeHouse on Mondays and Tuesdays. To subscribe to the Weekly Ministry Focus by mail, we request a suggested donation of $30 per year to cover postage and handling. To subscribe by e-mail, just send a message with the subject "Subscribe" to "" (we request a suggested donation of $10 per year). All donations are optional.

LifeSavers Ministries  P.O. Box 40972  Bakersfield CA 93384

The LifeHouse  2428 H Street  Bakersfield, CA 93301

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