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LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus
Volume 1, Number 30                    July 31, 2000

Youth group and aborted baby sign work together to save a life

     Last Monday and Tuesday were busy abortion
days in Bakersfield; the abortionist was once again
Kenneth Wright.  The LifeHouse was sometimes very
busy too, with as many as four women at the
LifeHouse for pregnancy tests at the same time.  Here
are a few selected reports from last week's ministry
         "Kylee," 19, had scheduled an abortion for her
     13-week baby on Tuesday.  As she drove to the
     abortion chamber with her friend, Katrina, she
     was having second thoughts about the abortion. 
     But when she saw the youth group from St.
     Jude's on the sidewalk outside the abortion
     chamber, and she saw a large sign which
     displayed a graphic picture of an aborted baby,
     she knew she couldn't do it, so they went home. 
     Later, they made a special trip back to tell the
     sidewalk counselors that Kylee changed her
     mind.  Katrina said "I just want to let you know
     that you're doing the right thing by being out
     here."  Terri invited them to go to the LifeHouse
     and watch the "Harder Truth" video, and she
     gave them a baby gift, a teddy bear, and a "Hope
     For the Future" Bible.
         Three friends (ages 30, 24, 23), came together to
     the LifeHouse on Monday for pregnancy tests,
     along with "Twana," the 12-year-old niece of one
     of the women.  While they were waiting for their
     test results, Terri encouraged them to watch the
     "Harder Truth" video.  They reluctantly agreed. 
     Afterwards, they were all in tears, and Twana
     said "I'm going to always be a virgin!"  All of the
     tests results were negative.

         "Yolanda," 22, called LifeSavers on Monday to
     find out how to get a pregnancy test.  (She found
     LifeSavers' phone number on literature she had
     received some time from a sidewalk counselor
     outside the abortion chamber.)  Because Yolanda
     spoke Spanish, Terri had Yolanda talk to Irene. 
     Irene encouraged Yolanda to come down for a
     test.  Yolanda came to the LifeHouse with her
     live-in boyfriend, and her test results were
     positive.  They told Terri that they will be
     keeping the baby.

         "Moira," 29, came to the LifeHouse on Monday
     for a pregnancy test.  She is engaged, and has
     three children (and she doesn't want any more). 
     She also had an abortion in the past.  Moira
     attends a prominent local Missionary Baptist
     Church.  Terri showed her the Harder Truth
     video, and Moira said that it was "very
     interesting."  When the test results were negative,
     Terri gave Moira abstinence literature and
     encouraged her to wait until her wedding night.

         "Panchita" came from Taft for an abortion on
     Monday, but before she and her boyfriend
     "Ferdinand" entered the building, Irene talked to
     them on the sidewalk, and convinced them to
     come over to the LifeHouse, where Irene shared a
     variety of literature with them.  Irene talked to
     them for about an hour, and Terri gave them a
     Spanish "Hope for the Future" Bible and a baby
     gift.  Panchita and Ferdinand chose life for their

Scripture Focus: Ezekiel 2:1-10

     Then He said to me, "Son of man, stand on your
feet that I may speak with you!"  And as He spoke to
me the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet; and
I heard Him speaking to me.  Then He said to me,
"Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel,
to a rebellious people who have rebelled against Me;
they and their fathers have transgressed against Me
to this very day.  And I am sending you to them who
are stubborn and obstinate children; and you shall
say to them, 'Thus says the Lord God.'  As for them,
whether they listen or not for they are a rebellious
house they will know that a prophet has been
among them.  And you, son of man, neither fear
them nor fear their words, though thistles and thorns
are with you and you sit on scorpions; neither fear
their words nor be dismayed at their presence, for
they are a rebellious house.  But you shall speak My
words to them whether they listen or not, for they
are rebellious.
     "Now you, son of man, listen to what I am
speaking to you; do not be rebellious like that
rebellious house.  Open your mouth and eat what I
am giving you."  Then I looked, behold, a hand was
extended to me; and lo, a scroll was in it.  When He
spread it out before me, it was written on the front
and back; and written on it were lamentations,
mourning and woe.
Ask God to help you to let His light shine through you
today to everyone you encounter.

Prayer Focus
  Pray that God will allow the sidewalk counselors to
focus on each woman who is entering the abortion
chamber today, and that the Holy Spirit will help the
sidewalk counselors to sense their needs.
  Pray for abortion chamber employee "Portia" (see
Weekly Ministry Focus #28).  This is her last week
working at the abortion chamber.  Ask God to use her
to His glory.
  Ask God to use our presence and our signs to
bring conviction upon those who drive by the abortion
chamber today.

Palmquists attend conference

     The Palmquist family is attending a pro-life
conference in St. Louis this week.  The conference is
being held by Operation Save America.  Clare
Aldrich accompanied the Palmquists from Bakersfield
to the conference.
     The focus of the week is passing the pro-life
vision on to the next generation.
     Tim Palmquist will also use this opportunity to
talk to other pro-life activists about the possibility of
establishing a new "Voice For Life" radio program to
broadcast daily reports of babies saved around the

LSM receives gift in memory of Willa Lawler

     Peg Ransom of Libertyville, Illinois (Tim
Palmquist's aunt) sent a special donation to
LifeSavers Ministries last week in memory of Willa
Lawler, Terri Palmquist's mother, who passed away
on July 10.  On her accompanying card, she wrote,
"Do you remember how Grandma Palmquist likened
death to the ship that leaves the shore?  'There she
goes,' we cry, as those on the other shore cry, 'Here
she comes.'  Keep floating."

Baby models missing from LifeHouse

     Three of our life-size models of pre-born
babies have been missing from the LifeHouse for
several weeks.  These models were purchased
with a donation from Carl Karcher, and have
been very useful to demonstrate fetal
development to women who are considering
abortion.  The 30, 15, and 12 week models are
missing, but the 24 week model is still where it
belongs on a shelf in the literature room.  If you
have any information about what happened to the
missing baby models, please let us know.

This week's schedule
[If you are unable to be physically involved
in this ministry, please use this schedule to 
help you pray for those who are on the front lines.]

Monday, July 31
                    Colleen        8 -  12
                    Susan?      8:30 -  10:30
                    Beth           9 -  5
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Mercedes  ?    10 - 2
                    Mary Ann?     11 -  3
                              St. Joseph's         1:30 -   2

Tuesday, August 1
                    Vince          7 -  9
                    Lewis       7:30 -  9:30
                    Carlotta?   7:30 -  9:30
                    Amber       8:30 -  11:30
                    Beth           9 -  5
                              Albert & Ione          10 -   12
                    Fr. James     10 -  12
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Mercedes  ?    10 - 2
                    Mary Ann?     11 -  3 

Next week's schedule

Monday, August 7
                              Colleen                 8 -   12
                    Beth           9 -  5
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Mercedes?     10 -  2
                    Mary Ann?     11 -  3
                    Debbie        11 -  5
                              St.  Joseph's        1:30 -   2

Tuesday, August 8
                    Lewis       7:30 -  9:30
                              Carlotta?            7:30 -   9:30
                    Amber       8:30 -  11:30
                    Beth           9 -  5
                              Albert & Ione          10 -   12
                              Fr. James              10 -   12
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Mercedes      10 -  2
                    Mary Ann?     11 -  3
                    Debbie        11 -  5

Publication information
The LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus is
published every Monday by Tim and Terri Palmquist,
PMB 1911-166, Tehachapi CA 93581
(  All expenses of
this publication are paid for by the Palmquists; no
funds from LifeSavers Ministries are used in any way
to publish or distribute the Weekly Ministry Focus. 
Issues are available without charge at the LifeHouse
on Mondays and Tuesdays.  To subscribe to the
Weekly Ministry Focus by mail, we request a
suggested donation of $30 per year to cover postage
and handling.  To subscribe by e-mail, just send a
message with the subject "Subscribe" to
"" (we request a
suggested donation of $10 per year).  All donations
are optional.

              LifeSavers Ministries
                 P.O. Box 40972
              Bakersfield CA 93384

                  The LifeHouse
                  2428 H Street
              Bakersfield, CA 93301
For more information, call 661/323-BABY  (661/323-2229).

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