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LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus
Volume 1, Number 23              June 12, 2000

Abortion chamber may reduce abortion days to only one per week

     Last week was very slow at the abortion
chamber, but was often busy at the LifeHouse. 
Reportedly the abortion chamber may change their
schedule to only one abortion day per week, because
they are not committing enough abortions to make it
profitable enough for them to bring an abortionist here
two days a week.  Here are a few selected reports
from last week's ministry activities:

         "Dorie" came out of the abortion chamber on
     Monday afternoon and told Debbie, "I just can't
     have an abortion, but I can't keep this baby
     either.  Can you give me some information on
     adoption?"  Debbie brought her to the LifeHouse,
     and Debbie and Tim shared some information
     with her about families who want to adopt a baby. 
     Tim also called Terri (at a hospital in Utah with
     her sick mother) and Dorie talked to Terri for a
     while.  Debbie gave her a "Hope for the Future"
     Bible and shared the Gospel with her.

          "Irma" called LifeSavers, thinking she was calling
     the abortion chamber.  Terri talked with her
     (through a three-way call Tim placed to her in
     Utah).  Irma said she is Apostolic, and has three
     children.  About six months ago, her three month
     old baby died.  She said that the reason she wants
     an abortion is because she's "not ready" for
     another baby.  Terri told her that she would care
     for the baby for her.  In response, Irma said "I
     don't want to be pregnant, because I will lose my
     shape."  Terri prayed with her, asking God to heal
     her hurts over the death of her last baby, and
     asking God to give her a desire to keep this baby. 
     Irma is scheduled for an abortion this week. 
     Terri will be following up with her by phone.

         "Tiesia," 17, came to the LifeHouse on Tuesday
     for a pregnancy test.  She told Carlotta that she
     has attended a local Catholic church for 8 years. 
     She had an abortion in January, which she now
     regrets.  Carlotta showed her a video on fetal
     development, and gave her fetal development
     literature and a Bible.  The test results were
     positive, and Tiesia said she was happy to be
     pregnant, and she will keep the baby.  Carlotta
     will call her later to see how she is doing.

         "Seneca," 31 came to the abortion chamber on
     Monday and talked to Carlotta on the sidewalk. 
     Carlotta invited her to the LifeHouse for a
     pregnancy test.  Seneca said that she is single,
     and she is a Jehovah's Witness.  Her test results
     were positive.  Seneca said that she will keep the

         "Daisy," 18, went to the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center
     on Monday for a pregnancy test, and she said that the
     BPC told her to come to the LifeHouse.  She told
     Amber that she attends a local Baptist church.  Her test
     results were negative.

         "Marela," 36, came to the LifeHouse for a pregnancy
     test on Monday, at a friend's suggestion.  She told
     Amber that she has 7 children but she is not married. 
     She attends a local Catholic church.  Her test results
     were positive.  Marela said that she will keep the baby.

         "Sandie," 35, came to the abortion chamber on
     Monday, and Amber talked to her on the sidewalk,
     inviting her to the LifeHouse for a pregnancy test. 
     Sandie said that she is born again, and attends a local
     Missionary Baptist church.  She is not married.  Her
     test results were positive, and she said that she will
     keep the baby.

         "Gina," 27, came to the LifeHouse for a pregnancy test
     on Monday.  She is single and has five children, and
     she attends a local Catholic church.  Gina first said that
     if she is pregnant, she might abort the baby.  But after
     Amber showed her the Harder Truth video, she said
     she could never have an abortion.  Her test results
     were positive, so she will be preparing for baby
     number six.

         "Imtarash," 22, came to the abortion chamber on
     Monday.  Amber talked to her on the sidewalk, inviting
     her to the LifeHouse for a pregnancy test.  Her test
     results were positive.  Imtarash said that she is Muslim
     and already has two girl children (the youngest is only
     11 months old).  She said that she didn't want to be
     pregnant, and if she is pregnant with another girl, she
     will abort the baby, but if it is a boy, she will keep him,
     because her husband wants a son.  Amber showed her
     the Harder Truth video.

         Debbie talked to the anesthesiologist, who comes from
     Los Angeles.  He said "I know all about your God, I
     used to be a priest."

         Late Monday afternoon, a Sheriff's car and a crime
     scene photographer came to the abortion chamber,
     reportedly because a teenage girl had been beaten up
     by her boyfriend before she had come in to abort her

Scripture Focus: Psalm 104:31-35

May the glory of the Lord endure for ever,
     may the Lord rejoice in his works,
who looks on the earth and it trembles,
     who touches the mountains and they smoke!
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
     I will sing praise to my God while I have
May my meditation be pleasing to him,
     for I rejoice in the Lord.
Let sinners be consumed from the earth,
     and let the wicked be no more!
Bless the Lord, O my soul!
Praise the Lord!
[Whenever you are tempted to engage in idle
conversation during your ministry time, focus
your mind on this scripture.]

Prayer Focus

  Ask God to use every sidewalk counselor to
His glory today.
  Pray that God will heal "Irma" (see report
above) from the hurts caused by the baby she
lost, and ask God to give her the desire to keep
the baby she is now pregnant with.
  Pray for the anesthesiologist (see report on
back page) to surrender to God.

Special instructions for this week:

          Only "nice" signs (4-6)
     Main focus: sidewalk counseling
     One sidewalk counselor, talking to women even
     when they are walking across the balcony.
     Once women are inside, just pray.
Special instructions for June 19-20:
          No signs of any kind
     Main focus: giving out Bibles and teddy bears.
     Youth emphasis (survivors of abortion)
[This is part of a three-month experiment testing the
effectiveness of various tactics.  Thank you for
cooperating with this effort.]

Financial update
As of today, LifeSavers has about $500.  Our monthly lease
payment of $1400 is due Thursday!  Can you help?

Terri Palmquist will not be available this week, and possibly
next week.  She is still at a Utah hospital with her mother,
who is improving in some ways but continues to have
serious problems.  Your prayers for Terri and her mother are
especially appreciated at this time.  We would also
appreciate it if you would consider helping by volunteering
extra time while Terri is gone, as we are extremely short-

This week's schedule
[If you are unable to be physically involved in this ministry, 
please use this schedule to help you pray for those who are on 
the front lines.]

Monday, June 12
                    Colleen        8 -  10:30
                    Irene?        10 -  2
                    Amber         11 -  4?
                    Debbie         1 -  5
                              St. Joseph's         1:30 -   2

Tuesday, June 13
                    Lewis       7:30 -  9:30
                    Carlotta    7:30 -  9:30?
                              Albert & Ione          10 -   12
                              Fr. James              10 -   12
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Mary Ann?     10 -  3

Next week's schedule

Monday, June 19
                              Colleen                 8 -   10:30
                    Susan?      8:30 -  10:30
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Terri?     10:30 -  5?
                    Debbie         1 -  5
                              St.  Joseph's        1:30 -   2
We need help                    8 -

Tuesday, June 20
                    Vince          7 -  9
                    Lewis       7:30 -  9:30
                              Carlotta             7:30 -   9:30?
                              Albert & Ione          10 -   12
                              Fr. James              10 -   12
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Mary Ann      10 -  3
                              Terri?              10:30 -   5
               We need help        9 -10


The LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus is published
every Monday by Tim and Terri Palmquist, PMB 1911-166,
Tehachapi CA 93581 (  All
expenses of this publication are paid for by the Palmquists; no
funds from LifeSavers Ministries are used in any way to publish
or distribute the Weekly Ministry Focus.  Issues are available
without charge at the LifeHouse on Mondays and Tuesdays.  To
subscribe to the Weekly Ministry Focus by mail, we request a
suggested donation of $30 per year to cover postage and handling. 
To subscribe by e-mail, just send a message with the subject
"Subscribe" to "" (we request a
suggested donation of $10 per year).  All donations are optional.
    LifeSavers Ministries  P.O. Box 40972  Bakersfield CA 93384
        The LifeHouse  2428 H Street  Bakersfield, CA 93301
      For more information, call 661/323-BABY  (661/323-2229).

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