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LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus
Volume 1, Number 20              May 22, 2000

Sister of abortion chamber employee speaks against abortion
   (and other ministry reports)
Scripture Focus: 2 Peter 1:2-7
Prayer focus
Condom warning labels proposed
Abortionist faces more charges
New resource available at LifeHouse
'Choosing' Not to Say What They Mean (by Cardinal Mahoney)
This week's schedule
Next week's schedule
Special instructions for volunteers this week
Publication information

Sister of abortion chamber employee speaks against abortion

     Last week, sidewalk counselors focused on giving
women "Hope For the Future" Bibles, along with Teddy
bears which include tags with pro-life messages on them. 
Terri reported giving out at least 18 Bibles and bears.  Here
are a few selected reports from last week's ministry

         As "Portia," an abortion chamber employee was
     leaving on Tuesday, Terri said to her "please stop
     working here; we would like to help you find another
     job."  Portia stopped and said, "I plan to quit soon. 
     My sister has been sending me information about
     abortion and pictures of aborted babies and I can't
     stand working here anymore.  I hadn't realized that
     abortion really kills little people."

         "Cindy," 15, came from another county to the abortion
     chamber with her mom.  Both of them are Christians. 
     Cindy was about 12 weeks pregnant.  As Cindy was
     inside, Terri talked to her mom, who was hostile at
     first, but said that she didn't want Cindy to abort the
     baby.  She explained that Cindy has been crying a
     great deal and she's ashamed of being pregnant (her
     friends don't know).  With Terri's encouragement,
     Cindy's mother went upstairs with a Bible and a teddy
     bear, trying to convince Cindy to leave.  After several
     minutes inside, Cindy's mom came back down and
     said "Cindy still wants the abortion."  Then she
     explained to Terri that Cindy is only 15.  Terri said
     "you need to just go up there and get her out."  She
     went back upstairs for about 30 minutes; then they
     both came out of the abortion chamber and drove away
     without having the abortion.

         "Virginia," 17, came to the LifeHouse with her
     boyfriend on Monday afternoon.  Virginia told Terri
     that she is totally against abortion.  When her test
     results were negative, Terri provided the couple with
     information about abstinence.

         "Sabra," 20, returned to the LifeHouse on Monday for
     another pregnancy test (see Weekly Ministry Focus
     #19).  Last week, she had said she would abort the
     baby if she is pregnant, but this time she told Mary
     Ann that she would keep the baby.  She also said she
     has been on the pill for six months.  Her test results
     were negative, so Mary Ann gave her information on
     how birth control pills are abortifacients.

         "Daphne," 19, brought her friend for an abortion on
     Monday.  While her friend was inside, Daphne talked
     to Terri, and was invited to the LifeHouse for a
     pregnancy test.  Daphne attends a local Seventh Day
     Adventist church.  Daphne's test results were negative,
     but Terri reported that she was positively impacted
     by watching the Harder Truth video.  Her friend
     wasn't able to have her baby aborted on Monday,
     because she is five months pregnant.  She was told
     that she would need to go to L.A. for the abortion. 
     Terri gave her a Bible and a teddy bear.

         "Collette," 39, came to the LifeHouse on Tuesday for
     a pregnancy test, after seeing a LifeSavers phone book
     ad.  She had her tubes tied, but she is praying for a
     miracle.  An unknown volunteer gave her the
     pregnancy test.  The results of the test were not

Scripture Focus: 2 Peter 1:2-7

     Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the
knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His
divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to
life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him
who called us by His own glory and excellence.  For by
these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent
promises, in order that by them you might become
partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the
corruption that is in the world by lust.  Now for this very
reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply
moral excellence, and in your moral excellence,
knowledge; and in your knowledge, self-control, and in
your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance,
godliness; and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and
in your brotherly kindness, Christian love.
[heart] While you are involved in ministry on the sidewalk
today, and you are tempted to engage in idle
conversation, focus your mind instead on asking God
to increase these qualities in your life.

Prayer Focus

  Pray that God will give every volunteer the
desire to increase in effectiveness, and that as
they seek God's help in being more effective, God
will present them with opportunities to improve
their ministry tactics.
  Pray for "Cindy" (see report above) to have the
desire to keep her baby, and pray that her mom
will exercise godly authority over her.
  Pray for "Portia" (see report above) to find a
new job soon, so that her heart does not become
hardened by continuing to participate in killing
  Ask God to use the signs to convict those
who pass not to tolerate abortion.

Condom warning labels proposed

     The U.S. House has passed a bill to increase aid to low-
income women diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer.  The
bill includes a provision requiring warning labels on condom
packages, informing potential users that condoms do not
protect against human papilloma virus (HPV), the leading
cause of cervical cancer. 
     "Hundreds of thousands of women will be treated for
pre-cancer dysplasia because we, as a government in health
policy, have decided we're not going to let everybody know
about the most dangerous sexually transmitted disease out
there," said Rep.  Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma), a practicing
OB/GYN.  "This bill moves a long way toward that -- of
informing women of ... the fact that prophylactic use of
condoms will not prevent this disease."  Coburn said that
HPV is the No. 1 risk factor for developing cervical cancer. 
            - Focus on the Family CitizenLink, May 16, 2000

Abortionist faces more charges

     The Medical Board of California filed accusations on
May 1 against Joseph Durante, who operates abortion
chambers in Riverside and San Bernardino counties.  Durante
is already on medical probation.
     Durante is being sued by a woman who states that her
uterus was perforated and she suffered a probable bowel
injury during an abortion in Victorville.  Complications from
the perforation required emergency surgery.  The woman
accuses Durante of failing to properly evaluate and treat her
and failing to refer her to an acute-care facility.
     In 1996, Sharon Hamptlon died after abortionist Bruce
Steir perforated her uterus during an abortion in Durante's
Moreno Valley abortion chamber.  In Bakersfield, women
have also died as a result of a perforated uterus from an
     Durante's license could be revoked if the new allegations
are substantiated.
                   - Pro-Life Infonet #2168, May 18, 2000

New resource available at LifeHouse

     "Pro-Life 101: A User Friendly Guide to Making
Your Case on Campus" provides steps to persuasively defend
life.  The principles presented are useful for discussing
abortion in any setting, including sidewalk counseling.  An
audio cassette series is also available.  The author is Scott
Klusendorf, who presented a seminar last week attended by
Tim and Terri Palmquist.
(Pro-Life 101 is also available for purchase online.)

'Choosing' Not to Say What They Mean 
By Cardinal Roger Mahoney, Archbishop of Los Angeles

     So often I hear candidates for political office
proclaim their great support for "a woman's right to choose."
But choose what?
     ...Why do the media allow political candidates to get
away with this vague, meaningless "choice" language when
they should be demanding that candidates finish the sentence?
     ...I believe in the individual's right to make choices
in life and in our society. But I sure want to specify what that
choice is all about, and as a church leader, to make certain
that one is supporting a moral good in that choice....
                          - Los Angeles Times, May 18, 2000

This week's schedule
[If you are unable to be physically involved in this 
ministry, please use this schedule to help you pray for 
those who are on the front lines.]

Monday, May 22
                    Susan       8:30 -  10:30
                    Jose           8 -  10
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Terri      10:30 -  5
                    Debbie         1 -  5
                              St.  Joseph's        1:30 -   2

Tuesday, May 23
                         Vince            7 -     9
                         Lewis         7:30 -     9:30
                              Carlotta           7:30 -     9:30?
                    Jose        8 -     10
                              Albert & Ione        10 -     12
                              Fr. James            10 -     12
                         Irene           10 -     2
                         Mary Ann        10 -     3
                         Terri        10:30 -     5

Next week's schedule

Monday, May 29
                              Colleen                 8 -   10:30
                    Jose           8 -  10
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Terri      10:30 -  5?
                    Debbie         1 -  5
                              St.  Joseph's        1:30 -   2
                              We need help           10 -   12
Tuesday, May 30
                    Vince          7 -  9
                    Lewis       7:30 -  9:30
                              Carlotta             7:30 -   9:30?
                    Jose           8 -  10
                              Albert & Ione          10 -   12
                              Fr. James              10 -   12
                    Irene         10 -  2
                    Mary Ann      10 -  3
                              Terri               10:30 -   5
                              We need help            9 -   10

Special instructions for this week:

          Normal activities; no special instructions.
Special instructions for May 29-30:
          No signs of any kind.               
     Main focus: prayer               
     One sidewalk counselor, only offering literature.
     If literature is refused, don't talk further.
This is part of a three-month experiment testing the
effectiveness of various tactics.  Thank you for
cooperating with this effort.

Publication information

The LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus is
published every Monday by Tim and Terri Palmquist, PMB
1911-166, Tehachapi CA 93581
(  All expenses of this
publication are paid for by the Palmquists; no funds from
LifeSavers Ministries are used in any way to publish or
distribute the Weekly Ministry Focus.  Issues are available
without charge at the LifeHouse on Mondays and
Tuesdays.  To subscribe to the Weekly Ministry Focus by
mail, we request a suggested donation of $30 per year to
cover postage and handling.  To subscribe by e-mail, just
send a message with the subject "Subscribe" to
"" (we request a suggested
donation of $10 per year).  All donations are optional.

    LifeSavers Ministries  P.O. Box 40972  Bakersfield CA 93384
        The LifeHouse  2428 H Street  Bakersfield, CA 93301
      For more information, call 661/323-BABY  (661/323-2229).
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