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Over 40 years of ministry to

pregnant women and their children

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Questions to ask your doctor(s): Please ask these questions in the order given, if at all possible. Try not to let the doctor know you are against abortion until you hear his answers. Please note that the FDA has not limited the use of the abortion pill to OB/GYNs, so it is definitely appropriate to direct these questions to other doctors, such as family practice physicians.

Name of doctor:


Phone number:

1. When asked "do you think you might offer the abortion pill (Mifeprex or mifepristone) to your patients?", the doctor responded as follows:

a. "Absolutely not. I will not offer the abortion pill or refer my patients to someone who will"
b. "No, I will refer patients who request the abortion pill to: "
c. "I will offer it, but only under special circumstances, such as: "
d. "Yes, I will make it available to anyone who requests it."
e. "I haven't decided yet."
f. Other:

2. When asked "what is your policy on other abortion methods?", the doctor responded as follows:

a. "I do not do abortions under any circumstances, nor will I refer a patient for an abortion."
b. "I refer my patients who request abortions to: "
c. "I do abortions only under special circumstances, such as: "
d. "I do abortions if I am requested to do so by one of my patients."
e. Other:

3. When asked, "do you consider yourself pro-life (against abortion)?", the doctor responded:

a. "Yes, I am pro-life and I am opposed to abortion."
b. "No, I am pro-choice and I believe that women should have access to abortions."
c. "I am undecided on this issue."

Any other comments from the doctor that we should know about:

After the doctor answers the above questions, please express your concerns to him about abortion. (If you do so beforehand, he may just tell you what he thinks you want to hear.) You may also consider sharing with him our web page which provides documentation on the dangers of the abortion pill and also shares the Gospel (

Check here if the doctor already knew of your pro-life stand before you asked him these questions.

Your name:

Mailing address (optional):

City: State: Zip:


E-Mail address:

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone (661/323-2229) or by e-mail. With your help, we will be able to provide more helpful information and referrals to women who come to the LifeHouse for assistance, without risking the possibility that we could be sending a woman to a doctor who commits abortions.

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