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the 'Gates of Hell'
into the
'Gates of Heaven'

A vision for revival in our community and nation

by Tim Palmquist

For too long, it has seemed that front-line pro-life ministries* were at cross purposes with churches. While both look to the Bible for guidance, pro-life ministries have seemed to focus more on law, while churches focused on grace; pro-lifers seemed to focus on justice, while churches focused on mercy; pro-lifers seemed to focus on guilt, while churches focused on forgiveness.

But I believe that God is now challenging us to

"Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert, and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:18-19)

You see, if we consider the true purposes of pro-life ministry and the purposes of the Church, I believe that we will see a harmony of purposes, such as:

  • evangelism
  • church growth
  • shepherding the flock
  • prayer
  • proclamation of God's Word
  • worship and praise
  • helping people
  • motivating God's people to service
  • speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves, and
  • being "salt" and "light" (having a positive influence on society)

Churches are already doing some of these things well, and pro-life ministries are also already doing some of these things well, but I hope to show how each one of these areas points to an opportunity for partnership between front-line pro-life ministries and local congregations.

To receive your copy of Transforming the Gates of Hell into the Gates of Heaven, send a message to Tim Palmquist ( with your name and address. We would appreciate a $5 donation to cover the cost of the book. For your convenience, donations may be made online at

Excerpts from Transforming the Gates of Hell into the Gates of Heaven: (more excerpts will be posted online in the coming days)

* "Front-line pro-life ministries" seek to offer help and information to women who are entering abortion chambers.
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