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"He that is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much: and he that is unrighteous in a very little is unrighteous also in much."

- Jesus (Luke 16:10)


Did you know that the major long distance companies (AT&T, Sprint, MCI, etc.) support anti-Christian causes such as homosexuality and abortion? Thankfully, I have discovered a better alternative.

After years of investigating many of the options available for long distance service, I have finally found a service I can enthusiastically support: Pro-Life Communications. Even if I didn't care that much about supporting pro-life ministry, my experience has shown that this company offers some of the best service at the most economical rates available. We formerly used Amerivision/LifeLine, but the services and benefits of Pro-Life Communications are far superior.

After switching from LifeLine to Pro-Life Communications, it seemed like we were paying about half what we had become accustomed to paying for phone calls. But it just so happens that this company also is the best option available for supporting pro-life ministry: Pro-Life Communications gives a higher percentage than LifeLine to participating ministries.


When we were in St. Louis recently, I had the opportunity to meet Pro-Life Communications founder Joe Dalton. We received from Joe the beautiful picture of Jesus holding a baby which is now on display at the LifeHouse. When I've had questions, I've called their toll-free number, and several times Joe has personally answered the call and assisted me with my concerns. I am confident that Joe and his wife Jane are running a company that will not disappoint you (or us)!


On our way to St. Louis and back, we used our calling card many times. A few weeks after we returned home, I was amazed when I looked at the bill from Pro-Life Communications. I couldn't believe how small the total charges were! It seemed like we were being charged the rate we would pay for calls from home rather than the expensive calling card rates we had become used to. (A few months earlier, when Terri was dealing with her dying mohter in Utah, we paid hundreds of dollars for calling card calls. If only we had used Pro-Life Communications for these calls, the bill would have probably been only about one-fifth as much as we paid.)


We make many "local toll" calls, such as calls between our home in Tehachapi and the LifeHouse in Bakersfield. We had been using Pacific Bell for these calls, but when we switched to Pro-Life Communications, we discovered that they handle not only long distance calls but also local toll calls. (I was glad to have an opportunity to send a little less money to Pacific Bell, because I have been very disturbed by some of the causes they support.) The intrastate and local toll rates charged by Pro-Life Communications are exceptionally low.


When you sign up with Pro-Life Communications, please don't forget to tell them that you want LifeSavers Ministries to benefit from your long distance calls. To ensure that the funds are directed properly, be sure to provide Pro-Life Communications with our address and phone number:

     LifeSavers Ministries
     P.O. Box 40972 
     Bakersfield, CA 93384
(Also, if you will let us know that you have signed up with Pro-Life Communications, that will help us to track the response to this exciting opportunity.)

Click here to sign up with Pro-Life Communications, or call their toll free number (877-878-LIFE).


For more information about Pro-Life Communications, go to

If you ever have any questions or problems with your Pro-Life Communications service, please don't hesitate to contact me. We want to make sure that everything we recommend is beneficial for our supporters.

In Christ's service for those who cannot speak for themselves,

Tim Palmquist, co-Chairman
LifeSavers Ministries

P.S. If you're looking for a great alternative for Internet access, ask us about Internet4Families.

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