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Retraction of Lungren article requested
"...from everyone who has been given much shall much be required...."
- Luke 12:48
Our February 28 issue included an article written by Tim Palmquist which reviewed Dan Lungren's track record as Attorney General. In response,
Ed Hurlbutt, Executive Director of Fresno Right to Life, wrote two detailed letters asking for a retraction.
After consulting the sources for this information, Tim concluded that the article was in fact accurate, but somewhat unbalanced. The article erred by
failing to mention the fact that Lungren had a consistent pro-life voting record during his term in the legislature.
The mission of LifeSavers Ministries is inherently non-political, so this publication will not usually deal with candidates and election issues.
For more
information on the issues in dispute, please request a copy of the Lungren correspondence. If you need pro-life voting
information, please consult a Right to Life group. Fresno Right to Life may be reached at (559) 229-2229.