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Abortion leads church to action

"I cry to you, O Lord;
     I say, 'You are my refuge,
     my portion in the land of the living.'
Listen to my cry,
     for I am in desperate need;
rescue me from those who pursue me,
     for they are too strong for me."

- Psalm 142:5-6

In the past three months, dozens of Christians from Bethany Ministries in Bakersfield have been motivated to get involved in local pro-life ministry. Cindi Wade initiated this effort, which she calls "Defenders of Life," as a response to a tragedy she experienced.

Rev. Eugene Ward of Bethany witnesses outside the abortion chamber.

On May 14, Bethany Ministries held a memorial service at the LifeHouse. The service was open to the public, but most of those who attended were from Bethany.

At the memorial service, Cindi described in detail the way babies are aborted: "they take the body of the baby and rip it apart, and crush its little head. Then they box it up and ship it to some lab in L.A. If it wasn't for God, I wouldn't be able to bear the thought, the pain.... I got to look at the butcher straight in the eye, I talked to him and I appealed to him and I asked him 'please, please don't do this....'"

Out of the ashes of this tragedy, the Holy Spirit moved in the hearts of many people at Bethany Ministries.
On Judgement Day stood
a young women before God.

On His Holy throne He sat
a word He did not speak,
but a little child came and stood at His side

With a loving glance between
the two, the child came and sat
upon His lap.

She thought what a special child
this must be.

Still without a word, and
all heaven was silent.

The little child looked into the eyes of
the young woman.
What was it about this child she thought.
For she felt some kind of inner bond
with this little one.

She then became compelled to ask,
Do I know you and the child replied,

"Mama I'm the life you did not want."

- Poem by Cindi Wade

Tim and Terri spoke at Bethany in June, and showed the video Hard Truth. Afterwards, the sanctuary was filled with the cries of God's people, grieving and repenting before His throne.

Throughout the summer, many Bethany volunteers have become involved in various aspects of the sidewalk ministry, led by Rev. Eugene Ward, who runs the Bethany Men's Home. Bethany also became the first church to include LifeSavers Ministries in its monthly budget for missions.

"We're thankful that God used this tragedy to bring glory and honor to him," said Terri Palmquist. "We look forward to seeing how God continues to use Bethany Ministries."

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