Life Savers Ministries logo

Over 40 years of ministry to

pregnant women and their children

<div class="topslogan">saving babies...<div class="narrowonly"><BR/></div> one <img src="" align="absmiddle" width=40 height=40 alt="(heart)"> at a time</div>

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Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:00 pm

Valley Baptist Church - Multipurpose Room (MP)

4800 Fruitvale Avenue
Bakersfield CA 93308

Glorify Jesus with us as we share stories of how He has used some local Christians to impact thousands in Bakersfield and beyond! Laugh and cry with us as you hear firsthand testimonies of moms and children saved from abortion -- now spanning several generations demonstrating God's love!

Tickets $65 each
(Suggested donation -- please contact us if that is a problem)
Sponsor a table of 8 for $500

Be encouraged by Pastor Al Howard, who with his wife Judy has labored for 40 years saving moms and babies at His Nesting Place ministries

For more information, contact Terri Palmquist
at (661) 706-2229 (voice or text)
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