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Help spread the Gospel of Life!
A deadly, counterfeit "gospel" tragically fuels our nation's abortion
industry, but the true Gospel has the potential to save lives
and transform your community.
To learn how to expand the impact of your church through the
Gospel of Life, read God's Plan: Transforming the
Gates of Hell into the Gates of Heaven, written by "pregnancy
evangelism" missionary Tim Palmquist.
This new 136-page book equips Christians with
scriptural tools to effectively communicate this life-saving message
to those who are literally at death's door.
Three practical, innovative strategies are included,
helping churches to touch the lives of pregnant women and their
children with the Gospel.
Discover why ministry to abortion-minded women and their children
should be a priority for every local church that is serious about
the Gospel.
Understand how this ministry to pregnant women and their children
helps pastors fulfill their scriptural responsibilities.
Identify the key message which effectively communicates God's love
to both pregnant women and their children.
See how a local Gospel strategy can fuel nationwide revival.
God's Plan: Transforming the Gates of Hell into the Gates of Heaven
is available from LifeSavers Ministries. A suggested gift of $12
or more helps to cover printing costs and promote further awareness of
these pivotal life-saving Gospel strategies.
To receive your copy of God's Plan: Transforming the Gates of
Hell into the Gates of Heaven, send a message to Tim Palmquist
with your name and address.
For your convenience, donations may be made online