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LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus
Volume 1, Number 9 - March 6, 2000


Wheel of Fortune encounter brings
  unexpected blessing (and other ministry reports)
Scripture Focus: Proverbs 14:26-34
Prayer Focus
Guidelines for providing free pregnancy tests
This week's schedule
Next week's schedule
Dangerous schedule gaps continue
Publication information
Un-subscribe information

Wheel of Fortune encounter brings unexpected

  On Saturday, Terri Palmquist went to a
local shopping center, where "Wheel of Fortune"
was seeking contestants.  When she told the host
about LifeSavers Ministries, the audience broke
into spontaneous applause.  Afterwards, a woman
approached Terri holding a three-month old baby
boy (Terri had noticed the beautiful baby
earlier, but did not recognize his mother).  The
woman explained that she had an abortion several
years ago, and remembered the sidewalk counselors
telling her that help was available.  When she
became pregnant last year, she decided to call
LifeSavers Ministries first.  Even though all she
received from LSM was a crib, some groceries, and
some phone conversation, this assistance helped
her to keep her baby.  She now attends a Nazarene
church, and is going through post-abortion

  A few weeks ago, "Lucy" called LSM
because she thought that her daughter "Samantha,"
17, was pregnant, and Samantha said she would
probably abort the baby.  Both of them are
Christians, and attend a local Evangelical
church. Terri met them at the LifeHouse for a
pregnancy test, which was positive.  However,
after seeing "Harder Truth," Samantha said she
would not abort after all.  Last Tuesday morning,
Lucy called Terri again, because Samantha had
left earlier than usual, and she was concerned
that she may be going in for an abortion.  Terri
picked Lucy up and brought her to the abortion
chamber.  Lucy went into the waiting room and
asked to speak to Samantha.  The receptionist
told her that Samantha had an argument with her
boyfriend and left, saying she wanted to keep the
baby (as it turned out, this was a different girl
by the same name).  Lucy came out to tell Terri
what happened.  While Lucy was talking to Terri,
Samantha (Lucy's daughter) came out of the
abortion chamber and stood on the balcony,
glaring at her mother.  She had already been
taken inside, but she found out that her mother
was looking for her.  Samantha angrily left the
abortion chamber.  Later, Terri called her at
home to talk about the situation.  Unbeknownst to
Terri, Samantha's grandmother (who is usually
very hostile to any conversation about God)
stayed on the phone to hear what happened.  Terri
ended the conversation with Samantha by praying
with her.  Later, Samantha's grandmother told
Lucy "she prayed such a beautiful prayer and was
so kind and understanding."  Lucy told Terri that
perhaps God would use this situation to soften
her mother's heart toward God.  As of Sunday,
Samantha is still considering abortion, but she
is also talking more about the baby.  Her primary
concern seems to be wondering how her 19-year-old
boyfriend will react if he finds out that she is
keeping the baby.

Scripture Focus: Proverbs 14:26-34

In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence,
and his children will have a refuge.
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life,
that one may avoid the snares of death.
In a multitude of people is the glory of a king,
but without people a prince is ruined.
He who is slow to anger has great understanding,
but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.
A tranquil mind gives life to the flesh,
but passion makes the bones rot.
He who oppresses a poor man insults his Maker,
but he who is kind to the needy honors him.
The wicked is overthrown through his evil-doing,
but the righteous finds refuge through his integrity.
Wisdom abides in the mind of a man with understanding,
but it is not known in the heart of fools.
Righteousness exalts a nation,
but sin is a reproach to any people.
Pray that you will truly fear the Lord, and that
those who are entering the abortion chamber will
also fear Him.  Recognizing God's desire to use
you, ask Him to help you guard your lips from
idle conversation.

Prayer Focus

  Ask God to help the sidewalk counselors to have
strong confidence in Him, boldly speaking the
truth in the face of whatever opposition they may
  Pray that God will guide Christians as they
vote, helping them to exercise this authority God
has given them in righteousness.  Ask God to keep
them from choosing "pragmatic," lesser-of-two-
evils candidates.
  Pray for Donna, who assists inside the abortion
chamber.  The sidewalk counselors have witnessed
to her a great deal lately (while she takes her
cigarette breaks).
  Pray that Samantha will develop a firm
commitment to keep her baby (see report above). 
Pray that she will soon tell her boyfriend that
she has decided to keep the baby, so that she
will not keep worrying about his reaction.

Guidelines for providing free pregnancy tests
by Terri Palmquist
[This article is intended primarily to provide
information for LSM volunteers who will deal
directly with women who come for pregnancy tests.
However, even if you are not directly involved in
this ministry, this article should let you know
a little more about how we operate.]

This is the best way I have found to
handle girls who come for pregnancy tests: give
her the pink sheet (which provides information
about the test and explains that the LifeHouse is
not a medical facility), ask her to fill out the
front and back.  After she fills out the sheet,
give her the cup and tell her to go just a little
and then leave the sample on the sink.  While she
is in the bathroom, look over her sheet so that
you know where she's coming from.
When she comes out, get a test and put
the door stopper in to hold open the bathroom
door while the two of you go in.  Let her know
that she has to do the test herself because we're
not a medical clinic.  Tell her to open the test
and get out the plastic test and dropper.  Tell
her to place the test on a paper towel with the
reservoirs up.  Have her put four drops in the
oval reservoir.  Watch to make sure the sample
starts to travel up the rectangle reservoir.  If
it doesn't, have her add another drop.
When everything seems to be working, tell
her to lay the dropper down on the paper towel
and leave the sample on the sink (don't dump it,
in case the test needs to be redone).
While waiting for the results, just tell
her "come on in here, I'd like to show you a
short video and when it's done, we should have
the results of your test," then put on Harder
Truth.  While she watches Harder Truth, you can
excuse yourself by stating that you've seen it
enough times, and then go look at the test. 
If it looks positive, get a baby gift and
use the pregnancy wheel that is in the upper
right-hand drawer of the front desk.  Look at the
date of her LMP and line it up on the wheel. 
Look at the date she took the test and then you
can see approximately how for along she is and
her due date.  Also, give her fetal development
pamphlets and make sure she's not going to
abort.  Encourage her to go to the doctor and get
prenatal vitamins which are available at any drug
If the test is negative, find out if
she's using birth control, and if so, give her a
pamphlet on birth control and let her know it can
cause abortions and has many side effects.  Also,
if she's not married encourage her to abstain and
give her "Woman to Woman."  Have her circle her
results and give her a comments sheet and tell
her to fill it out and drop it by or mail it to
us.  Put completed sheets in bottom right-hand
desk drawer.
As you talk to her, look for
opportunities to share the gospel.  Offer her a
free Bible (the Bibles in the bathrooms are
especially designed for women who are currently
in a crisis pregnancy; if she is not in this
sitution, offer her one of the other Bibles).
No matter what the results are, ask her
if you can pray with her as she leaves.  (If she
is pregnant, pray for her health and the baby's
health, if she is not pregnant, pray that God
will help her to remain abstinent.)

This week's schedule
[If you are unable to be physically involved in
this ministry, please use this schedule to help
you pray for those who are on the front lines.]

Monday, Mar. 6
Colleen 8 - 10:30
Jose 8 - 10
Susan 8:30 - 10:30
Carlotta 9:15 - 11:15
Rosa? 10 - 12
Irene 10 - 2
Mary Ann 10 - 3
Terri 10:30 - 5?
St.  Joseph's 1:30 - 2

Tuesday, Mar. 7
Lewis 7:30 - 9:30
Carlotta 7:30 - 9:30
Jose 8 - 10
Albert 10 - 12
Ione 10 - 12
Fr. James 10 - 12
Irene 10 - 2
Terri 10:30 - 5

Next week's schedule

Monday, Mar. 13
Colleen 8 - 10:30
Jose 8 - 10
Carlotta 9:15 - 11:15
Rosa? 10 - 12
Irene 10 - 2
Mary Ann 10 - 3
Terri 10:30 - 5?
St.  Joseph's 1:30 - 2
We need help 3 - 4

Tuesday, Mar. 14
Vince 7 - 9
Lewis 7:30 - 9:30
Carlotta 7:30 - 9:30
Jose 8 - 10
Albert 10 - 12
Ione 10 - 12
Fr. James 10 - 12
Irene 10 - 2
Terri      10:30 - 5
We need help 9 - 10
We need help 2 - 4

Dangerous schedule gaps continue

Whenever "we need help" appears on the
schedule, this indicates that there is a high
likelihood that a volunteer will be by herself on
the sidewalks outside the abortion chamber.
Our legal advisors tell us that our
sidewalk counselors should never be alone,
because someone may lie about what the sidewalk
counselor says or does, inviting possible time in
court and/or jail.  Thankfully, the Lord has
spared us from this so far.
Ideally, we need at least three
volunteers available at all times (two on the
sidewalks, one at the LifeHouse).  Please pray
that the Lord will provide help (even someone who
will just stand and watch as a witness would be

Publication information

The LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus
is published every Monday by LifeSavers
Ministries, P.O. Box 40972, Bakersfield CA 93384-
0972. Issues are available without charge at the
LifeHouse, 2428 H Street, on Mondays and
Tuesdays.  To subscribe to the LifeSavers
Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus by mail, we
request a suggested donation of $50 per year to
cover postage and handling.  To subscribe by e-
mail, just send a message with the subject
"Subscribe" to "" (we
request a suggested donation of $10 per year).
For more information on LifeSavers Ministries,
call (661) 323-BABY or (661) 323-2229.

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