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LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus
Volume 1, Number 5             January 31, 2000

Adoption alternative saves more babies' lives
    (and other ministry reports)
More adoption information available
Scripture Focus
Prayer Focus
This week's schedule
Next week's schedule
Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen
     to speak at LifeSavers banquet
Publication information

Adoption alternative saves more babies' lives

     In the last two weeks, LifeSavers volunteers
have experienced an unprecedented increase in
interest in adoption.  Here are a few selected
reports from last week's ministry:

         "Eldora," 18, was planning to abort her
child, because she was pregnant from her uncle;
her Catholic family wanted to hide what had
happened.  She was examined inside the abortion
chamber, and was told that she was 7 1/2 months
pregnant -- much further along than she had
believed.  Because of the age of her baby,
"Eldora" decided that adoption would be the best
alternative.  As she left the abortion chamber,
she asked Mary Ann for information on adoption. 
Mary Ann sent her to the LifeHouse, where Terri
talked to her about her alternatives, and told
her that she knows people who would be willing to
adopt her baby.  Terri arranged a meeting later
that day at the LifeHouse with a local family who
wants to adopt the baby.  The family came from
the same town in Southern Mexico as "Eldora's"
family, so she immediately favored them. 
However, later in the week she began talking of
the possibility of raising the child herself.

         "Myra", 18, came to the abortion
chamber Monday with a co-worker from the
vegetable company where she works.  Although she
is Catholic, she planned to abort her child
because she is the only provider for her
family, due to her mother's disability.  After
speaking with her on the sidewalk for a few
minutes, Terri brought her to the LifeHouse. 
Terri provided fetal development literature, but
"Myra" refused to watch a video.  Terri also gave
her a baby gift.  "Myra" went home (missing her
abortion appointment), but she still intended to
abort the next day.  On Tuesday, "Myra" spoke
with Terri in the counseling room at the
LifeHouse for several hours, but she still seemed
hardened.  Rosa came in the counseling room and
told her that she would like to adopt the baby. 
Finally, "Myra's" heart softened; she broke into
tears as she told Rosa, "you can have my baby!" 
(Rosa and "Myra" are also from the same part of

          "Sasha", 18, came with a friend to the
abortion chamber for birth control.  She attends
a prominent pro-life community church. "But don't
hold it against my church, it's a really good
church," she said.  Her family has also had a
close personal friendship with the senior
pastor's family for years.  Her boyfriend
attends a large pro-life pentecostal church. 
Terri challenged them to abstain from sex.

         "Anita", 23, came to the LifeHouse with
her boyfriend for a pregnancy test (she had heard
about the LifeHouse from a friend).  She is a
Jehovah's Witness, and she intended to abort if
pregnant.  Terri provided information about the
risks of abortion and showed her the "Harder
Truth" video.  After seeing the video, "Anita"
said she would keep the baby.  The results of
the pregnancy test were negative, so Terri
provided her with literature on abstinence as she
left.  Terri also shared the Lord with her, but
she wasn't ready to make a commitment.  (Her
boyfriend is a Christian, and he has been trying
to get her to go to his church.)

More adoption information available

     Because of the recent increase in interest
regarding adoption, Terri Palmquist has obtained
more adoption information for the LifeHouse.  A
table in the reception area now features messages
from eight families who want to adopt babies. 
The information was provided by "A Baby From
Heaven" adoption facilitators, a Christian
     Each family has provided a detailed
description of their interests, along with color
pictures of themselves and their homes.  Feel
free to use this information to encourage young
women who are considering abortion (however,
please do not give away any of this information
without Terri Palmquist's permission).

Scripture Focus: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7

     Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the
God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our
troubles, so that we can comfort those in any
trouble with the comfort we ourselves have
received from God.  For just as the sufferings of
Christ flow over into our lives, so also through
Christ our comfort overflows.  If we are
distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation;
if we are comforted, it is for your comfort,
which produces in you patient endurance of the
same sufferings we suffer.  And our hope for you
is firm, because we know that just as you share
in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.

 Think of the most difficult circumstances you
have experienced in your life, and remember how
God comforted you during those troubles.  Then
ask God to use you to extend the same comfort to
those who are suffering today.  Ask Jesus to help
you share in the sufferings of those you
encounter today so that they may share in His
comfort.  Whenever your mind wanders, and you are
tempted to engage in idle conversation, please
direct your mind back to meditating upon this

Prayer Focus

  Ask God to use each sidewalk counselor today as
His hands and feet.
  Pray for the abortion chamber's receptionist. 
Ask God to convict her of sin because of her
participation in abortion.  Ask God to change her
countenance and the manner in which she speaks to
women, so that the women who enter the abortion
chamber will have their eyes opened,
understanding that the abortion chamber is not
interested in "helping" her, but just in 
profiting at her baby's expense.
  Pray for "Sasha" (see report above) and
Christian young women like her, who come to the
abortion chamber for birth control.  Ask God to
help the sidewalk counselors not to overlook
these women (considering the fact that they are
not currently pregnant), and ask Him to help them
to have the right words to say, so that these
women can be encouraged to refrain from further
sexual activity.
  Pray for local pastors and church leaders to
acknowledge that young people in their
congregation are sexually active (and at risk of
abortion if they become pregnant) and to respond

This week's schedule
If you are unable to be physically involved
in this ministry, please use this schedule to
help you pray for those who are on the front lines.

Monday, Jan. 31
                    Colleen        8 -  10:30
                    Jose           8 -  10
                    Rosa?         10 -  12
                    Mary Ann      10 -  3
                    Terri      10:30 -  5?
                    Mike?         12 -  1

Tuesday, Feb. 1
                    Carlotta       7 -  9
                    Lewis       7:30 -  9:30
                    Jose           8 -  10
                    Fr. James     10 -  12
                    Terri      10:30 -  5
                    Monica?       11 -  3
                    Mike?         12 -  1

Next week's schedule
Monday, Feb. 7
                    Colleen        8 -  10:30
                    Jose           8 -  10
                    Carlotta?   9:15 -  11:15
                    Susan       8:30 -  10:30
                    Rosa?         10 -  12
                    Mary Ann      10 -  3
                    Terri      10:30 -  5?
                    Mike?        12? -  1
           We need help            1 -   4
Tuesday, Feb. 8
                    Vince?         7 -     9
                    Lewis       7:30 -  9:30
                    Carlotta?   7:30 -  9:30
                    Jose           8 -  10
                    Albert        10 -  12
                    Ione          10 -  12
                    Fr. James     10 -  12
                    Terri       10:30 - 5
                    Monica?       11 -  3
                    Mike?         12 -  1
           We need help            9 -   10
           We need help            1 -   4

Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen
to speak at LifeSavers banquet

     Terri Palmquist has arranged for Gianna
Jessen to come to Bakersfield on Saturday, April
8 for LifeSavers Ministries' Spring Fundraising
Banquet.   Gianna travels around the country
singing and sharing her testimony, including the
fact that her birth mother had aborted her, but
she survived.
     Gianna has been featured on radio programs
such as Focus on the Family and television
programs such as Dr. D. James Kennedy's Truths
That Transform.  Terri is also hoping to arrange
for Gianna to share her testimony at a local
church on Sunday, April 9.
     Be sure to mark your calendars for April 8
and start to spread the word about this exciting

The LifeSavers Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus
is published every Monday by LifeSavers
Ministries, P.O. Box 40972, Bakersfield CA
93384-0972. Issues are available without charge
at the LifeHouse, 2428 H Street, on Mondays and
Tuesdays.  To subscribe to the LifeSavers
Ministries Weekly Ministry Focus by mail, we
request a suggested donation of $50 per year to
cover postage and handling.  To subscribe by e-
mail, we request a suggested donation of $10 per
year.  (Just send a message with the subject
"Subscribe" to "".)

         For more information on LifeSavers
Ministries, call (661) 323-BABY or (661) 323-2229.

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