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Weekly Ministry Focus

Volume 2, Number 18
September 17, 2001

Weekly Ministry Focus
Three children saved from terror on America's most deadly day

As Americans around the nation stood still last Tuesday (September 11) in stunned horror over the brutal terrorist attacks which killed untold thousands, one industry continued undaunted. The staff at Bakersfield's Family Planning Associates abortion chamber, led by abortionist Kenneth Wright, did not seem to hesistate for a moment, continuing their dozens of premeditated executions of innocent children on schedule, apparently without considering how their actions escalated the carnage in what was already the most deadly day in America's history. LifeSavers' pregnancy evangelists witnessed outside Bakersfield's killing center, pleading for those who entered to reconsider their violent plans in light of the suffering so many had already experienced on that day. One man responded to the tragedy by turning to God, working to save the life of his child who was about to be killed. Here are a few selected reports from last week's ministry activities:

"Larry" came from Porterville with his wife "Ella" to abort their child. Ella felt that her health was at risk because of her two prior Cesarean section deliveries, so she considered abortion to be a necessity.

Terri (a leader of LifeSavers) pleaded with Larry to consider their decision in light of the terrorists' attacks, asking him to consider whether God could be judging our nation by lifting His hand of protection from over our nation to bring us to repentance for killing innocent children. "I've been thinking about that," Larry admitted.

"You are the head of this house," Terri challenged Larry, "you need to tell her you don't want her to go through with this."

"Thank you for reminding me that I am the head of the house," Larry said. He began to join Terri in pleading with Ella not to enter the abortion chamber. Ella continued to be determined to abort their child, but after about an hour of talking with Terri and Larry, she finally agreed to come to LifeSavers' LifeHouse pregnancy help center across the street to watch a video about abortion.

At the LifeHouse, Terri continued discussing Ella's health concerns with her. Terri encouraged Ella by explaining that she has given birth to eight children naturally after having the first child by Cesarean. When Terri offered to help find a pro-life doctor, Ella agreed to consider this alternative. Terri contacted a CPC in Porterville, which agreed to help Ella and Larry find a doctor. Larry drove Ella back to their home in Porterville, determined to let their child live.

"Alice," 19, noticed the "free pregnancy test" sign at the LifeHouse as she was passing by on Tuesday afternoon. Although she has attended a large local Foursquare Gospel church for five years, and she has heard her pastor speak against abortion, she admitted that she felt she would need to have an abortion if she is pregnant. "My mother would kill me if she knew I was pregnant again," Alice said.

Terri showed Alice a video about abortion and talked and prayed with her for a long time before letting her see the pregnancy test results. When Alice finally saw that she is pregnant, Terri began hugging her and crying, pleading with her not to abort the child. On her way out the door, Terri gave Alice a "Hope for the Future" Bible and a baby gift.

Terri called Alice's church and spoke to a pastor about her situation (while not disclosing Alice's identity). At first the pastor resisted Terri's efforts, claiming that Alice may not really attend his church. Eventually, however, he agreed to pray for Alice.

On Sunday night, Terri called Alice to see how she was doing. She told Terri that she had gone back to church that morning, after having been away from church for several weeks. Alice told Terri she is keeping the baby. "It's not the baby's fault," Alice said.

Editor's note: For years, the leadership of Alice's church has resisted requests from Tim and Terri Palmquist to meet with them to discuss LifeSavers Ministries' outreaches. Nevertheless, God used this encounter with Alice to bring her back to this same church. When will Christ's Church realize that this outreach impacts their ministry, and that by neglecting this outreach they are neglecting a part of their own responsibility to their members?

While Terri was still talking to Ella and Larry in the LifeHouse, Irene (a Spanish-speaking pregnancy evangelist) brought "Peri" and "Felton" to the LifeHouse to watch a video about abortion. Peri and Felton are also from Porterville, and had planned to abort their child on Tuesday. After talking to Irene, they decided not to abort their baby.

At least one other child was saved from abortion last Monday (September 10) through LifeSavers' Bakersfield pregnancy evangelism ministry.

Scripture Focus: Isaiah 30:1,8-15

"Woe to the obstinate children," declares the LORD,
"to those who carry out plans that are not mine,
  forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit,
  heaping sin upon sin...."

Go now, write it on a tablet for them,
  inscribe it on a scroll,
that for the days to come
  it may be an everlasting witness.
These are rebellious people, deceitful children,
  children unwilling to listen to the LORD's instruction.
They say to the seers,
  "See no more visions!"
and to the prophets,
  "Give us no more visions of what is right!"
Tell us pleasant things,
  prophecy illusions.
Leave this way,
  get off this path,
and stop confronting us
  with the Holy One of Israel!"

Therefore, this is what the Holy One of Israel says:
"Because you have rejected this message,
  relied on oppression
  and depended on deceit,
this sin will become for you
  like a high wall, cracked and bulging,
  that collapses suddenly, in an instant.
It will break in pieces like pottery,
  shattered so mercilessly
that among its pieces not a fragment will be found
  for taking coals from a hearth
  or scooping water out of a cistern."

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,"
  in quietness and trust is your strength,
  but you would have none of it."

As you minister today to rebellious children who are unwilling to listen to God, repent before God for the sins of the body of Christ, and quietly trust in His salvation for lost humanity.

Prayer Focus
  • Ask God to soften the hearts of Christians in our nation, so that they can truly repent and grieve for all of those who are sacrificed in the relentless attacks of Satan.
  • Ask God to bring a new conviction upon His leaders to openly expose the wounds of God's people so that they may be healed, and to stop proclaiming a false message of peace when there is no peace.
  • Pray that God will convict the heart of President Bush and the other leaders of our nation, so that with a pure heart they may exercise the authority God has given them. Pray that God will prevent them from carrying out actions which will multiply the Satanic animosity of other nations against America.
  • Pray for Tim and Terri Palmquist as they speak to a local Hispanic congregation on Sunday. Ask God to bring out new laborers into His harvest fields.

How did churches respond to last week's attack against our nation?

by Tim Palmquist

As I discovered on Sunday, some pastors responded to Tuesday's attack by seeking to use church services to exalt our nation over Christ. The flag of the United States was given a central position, while the Christian flag was hidden in a corner. The sermon focused on supporting the nation's leaders, while the dreaded "R" word was carefully avoided. "It seems inappropriate to have an altar call on a day like this," a pastor said, "so we'll just invite people to come to the front and pray." Nobody took the pastor up on his offer; apparently his sermon on this most critical day was successful in lulling the people to sleep.

At the Bakersfield community memorial service held Sunday night, even the mention of the name of Jesus seemed to be carefully avoided by most of the pastors, while pro-abortion politicians were brought to the podium to promote themselves before this Christian audience.

But some churches, like the Arlington Christian Church in Arlington, Texas, seized the opportunity of the week's events, preaching to the lost about God's wrath and judgment as well as His forgiveness of sin. As a result, 40 people were reportedly saved at the church's second service alone (no report was received regarding the number of people saved in the first and third services).

When will Christ's Church realize that when we seek to excise the wrath of God from His Word, we reduce the effectiveness of the message God has called us to preach? Only by preaching the whole truth of God (including the difficult parts we would like to ignore about our sin and our need for repentance) can God bless His people! When will we learn?

(Wondering what the "R" word is? Repentance! Did your pastor dare use this key word in his sermon on Sunday?)

FrontLine Ministry Focus
Volume 7 (2007)

("Weekly" Ministry Focus)
Volume 6 (2006)
Volume 5 (2005)
Volume 4 (2004)
Volume 3 (2003)
Volume 2 (2001)
Volume 1 (2000)
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